More Than A Sleepover

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"Gen?" I called as I stepped into his apartment.

We have been having sleepovers for almost a year now, and I couldn't be happier. Well, that was a lie. He didn't want to tell anyone, and I wasn't sure why. We had keys to each other's apartments and we were almost always together when we were alone. I didn't understand why he wouldn't tell people, I wanted more, and he didn't. Maybe I was wrong about him, but I couldn't break it off, no matter how much it hurt to not have all of him.

"Y/n?" His voice sounded from the hallway.

"I was going to see if you wanted to grab dinner before we all met for drinks." I gave him a shy smile, one that doesn't seem to phase him at all.

"You know we don't eat alone." He said bluntly as he stopped at the end of the hallway. He was only in his pants, and I gave an appreciative look at the sight, but my face fell when his words hit my ears.

"But Gen-"

"I'll see you in a bit baby."

I huffed in annoyance and turned around, "Whatever, Genma."

He didn't seem to notice my displeasure, "You coming over after?"

"I don't know." I knew how this would go, and so did he. Even if I was perturbed with him, once the alcohol hit, I couldn't tell him no, he was my weakness. "Bye."

"Bye, baby." When I closed the door, it was a little harder than I had intended.

Baby. He even calls me baby, but he's never treated me tender and warm in front of others. We keep our usual banter and flirting, but there's no softness to his words. My brother was the only one who knew anything about Genma and me, but it was mostly because he walked in once, talk about awkward.

"Hey, Y/n!" My name was called as I approached the restaurant and I glanced over my shoulder to see Izumo and Kotetsu waving to me. "You grabbing a bite before drinks?" Kotetsu asked once they reached.

"Mmmhmm. You two?" I asked tilting my head slightly.

Kotetsu seemed to mull over an answer before Izumo chimed, "Yea, want to join us?"

"Two dates? How can a girl say no?" I winked, making them both flush slightly.

"You're too much," Izumo grumbled.

I bounced between them and hooked an arm with each of them, smiling brightly and pulled them along. We found a booth and I ended up with Kotetsu next to me and Izumo across from us. I noticed a look exchanged between the two, but I decided to not say anything. We ordered our food and waited with a simple conversation.

"I didn't know you had a girlfriend, Izumo," I said around my hand, mouth full of food.

"He's kind of quiet about his personal life." Kotetsu nudged me with his elbow.

"Ah." I swallowed my bite, "Be careful with that, she might get tired of feeling like a dark secret you want to keep hidden away."

"Speaking from experience?" Kotetsu asked, concern filling his voice.

"Hm." I only gave a hum.

"Anyone, we know?" Izumo seemed curious now.

"No one important." I waved my hand around, dismissing the subject.

"What about now?" Kotetsu asked, making me face him, "Seeing anyone?"

"Single as you it sounds."

"Good to know." Kotetsu's voice seemed to drop an octave as I felt his hand brush my outer thigh, my shorts exposing a lot of skin.

Izumo cleared his throat and we both wiped our heads to him, a dusty pink on our cheeks. Before one of us could say something, movement caught Izumo's eye out the window. "Isn't that Genma?" He asked.

Genma Shiranui x reader {lemon} (Mini-book)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora