Guardian Angel Part 1

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As long I could remember I always loved to sing. My parents told me it was a gift from God. They saw it in my face every time I sang my heart out in the church choir. I stopped singing for a while when I entered in high school. The pressure of school work, trying to decide what college to attend after I graduate and my parents working hard to keep a roof over our heads stole time away from my passion. But that all changed when my uncle Raymond "Ray" showed up to my school one day.

The dismissal bell echoed in the school building. I said goodbye to my friends and started to walk home until Ray pulled up beside me on the sidewalk.

"Yo Mickey Mouse!" That was his nickname for when I was a kid. A huge smile grew on his dark chocolate face.

I grinned back. "Uncle Ray! What are you doing here?" I leaned my arms against the open window.

"What? I can't come by and pick up my favorite niece? How about I treat you to lunch so we can catch up?" My stomach growled at the mention of food. He reached over and popped the lock open.

Ray took us to the town's popular burger joint. He ordered us the biggest juiciest cheese burgers on the menu. He asked about my grades and how my parents were. I was a bit hesitant on the subject of my parents so I told them they were just busy.

"Listen up baby girl I have incredible news for ya!"

"I know how much you love to sing. I know a guy who are looking for young folks like yourself and make them into big stars. You get to sing in front of millions of people and make lots of money you've never dreamed of."

This caught my attention.

"Your parents are working themselves to death trying to keep a roof over your head. You want to help them out don't you?" Uncle Ray looked straight into my eyes.

I wipe my mouth with a napkin and nodded. "Of course I want to help them." We've haven't been spending time together as a family for a while.

Ray rubbed his hands together. "Perfect. I'll call the man to make an appointment." With that he pulled put his cell phone and went outside to make the call. I took a slip of my soda in deep thought of what Ray proposed. Mom and Dad are working themselves too hard.

Uncle Ray dropped me off at home once he paid for our lunch.

"I made an appointment for tomorrow afternoon. I'll pick you up around noon." We said our goodbyes and I watch my uncle drive away. My parents weren't home. I make myself lunch and go into my room. I plug my iPod into my stereo and switch on one of my favorite songs. My hips swing to the rhythm and I sing along. Excitement and nervousness rush through me as I think about Ray's offer. I was excited that I could help out my parents but nervous; what if I mess up? What if I get so nervous no words come out when I try to sing?

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