I'm here for you

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"You got no business leaving this house! You're always sneaking around! You goddamn sinner!"

"Just leave me alone!"

Prince closed his eyes shut and covered his ears with his pillow. If his parents get any louder the cops with get called. Nah who's his kidding? The fuzz ain't coming down in this side of town.

The sound of glass breaking made the young light skin man flinch.

"You keep this place clean!"

Prince dropped his hands and yanked himself out of bed. He grabbed his leather jacket and climbed out from the lower leveled window. He slipped his arms through the sleeves the moment the cool night air hit his bare arms.

"Come here! Do you hear me!"

Prince peaked behind the curtain of the living room and his father knocked over another lamp. The screaming and shouting never stopped. Tears began to flood his eyes but Prince turned around and sprint into the night.

It was late and you were ready to hit the sack. You set the book you were reading at the end table next to your bed, switched off the light and got under the covers. About fifteen minutes later, you heard a soft knock at your window.

You weren't surprised to find your boyfriend on the other side. Typically you would be excited to see him but his sorrow expression knew that he had to get away from his parents.

You climb out of bed and let him inside. You usher him to your bed and the two of you get underneath the covers. No words were spoken for a several moments.

"Do you want to talk about it?" You asked quietly.


Prince wraps you in his warm embrace.

"I'm always here for you, you know that right?"

Your boyfriend hummed.

"I know mama." With that the two lovers slept the night away in each other's arms.

Hey I wanted to make this longer but I thought it was good how it is. Thanks for reading!

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