Chapter 3

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The next morning, Macy woke up and got out of bed. She grabbed her crutches and hobbled out of her room. She stood at the top of stairs. She didn't know how she was going to get down to the third floor. She sighed and carefully made her way downstairs. "Would you like some help getting downstairs?" She heard someone ask. She saw it was Emmett. Macy shook her head.

"Are you sure?" Emmett asked. Macy nodded.

"Ok." Emmett said.

Macy continued to make her way downstairs. When she got to the bottom, she headed into the kitchen. When she walked into the kitchen, she saw Esme, Renesmee, and Carlisle. "Good morning, Macy." Carlisle said.

"Morning." Macy said.

"Would you like some breakfast?" Esme asked.

"Yes please." Macy said.

"Have a seat and I'll make you a plate." Esme said. Macy sat at the table with Renesmee.

"Would you like something to drink?" Carlisle asked.

"Do you have orange juice?" Macy asked.

"I think we do." Carlisle said as he looked through the fridge. After a minute, Esme set a plate in front of Macy and Carlisle set down a glass of orange juice.

"Thank you." Macy said.

"You're welcome." Esme said. Macy started to eat.

"Hi Macy." Alice said as she came into the kitchen. Macy waved since she had her mouth full. "Do you want me to take you shopping for some clothes?" Alice asked.

"No thank you." Macy said after swallowing. "I'd rather just stay here."

"Do you mind if I go shopping for you?" Alice asked. "You don't have to come."

"I'm ok with that." Macy said.

"Ok." Alice said.

"Can I go shopping with you?" Renesmee asked.

"Sure." Alice said.

"Yay." Renesmee said. She put her plate in the sink and walked out of the room with Alice.

"Thank you for the meal." Macy said as she finished eating. "It was really good."

"You're welcome." Esme said. "I'm glad you liked it."

"Is it ok if I read in the library?" Macy asked.

"Of course." Carlisle said. "It's on the second floor next to my office."

Macy nodded. She walked out of the kitchen and went into the library. Reading was her favorite thing to do besides music. Music and reading was always her escape whenever she was at home. As she looked at the bookshelves, she saw her favorite book. The Chronicles of Narnia. She had read it many times before and she never got tired of reading it. Macy picked up the book, grabbed a blanket, and settled on the couch. She opened it and started reading.

In the kitchen, Esme and Carlisle were talking. "Carlisle, you're going to be late for work." Esme said.

"I was thinking of taking off for a few days." Carlisle said.

"Why?" Esme asked.

"To keep an eye of Macy." Carlisle said.

"I know you're worried about her, but she'll be ok. The rest of the family will be here." Esme said. "Go to work. If we need to, we will call you."

"Are you sure?" Carlisle asked.

"Go Carlisle." Esme said.

"Ok. I'll see you later." Carlisle said as he kissed Esme. He grabbed his stuff and headed out of the house.

Later that evening, Macy was still in the library reading. She hadn't come out of library all day, except to eat some lunch. Esme was in the kitchen, making dinner for Macy and Renesmee, when Carlisle came. "Hey love." He greeted her.

"Hi." Esme said.

"How's Macy?" Carlisle asked.

"Ok." Esme said. "She's been in the library all day. The only time she came out was to get lunch."

"I'll go see how she is." Carlisle said. He made his way up to the library and knocked on the door. "Macy. It's me." He said before walking into the room. He saw Macy in the couch. "What are you reading?" Carlisle asked as he went over and sat next to her. Macy showed him the book. It was The Chronicles of Narnia.
"That's a good book." Carlisle said.

"It's my favorite." Macy said. "I've always wished that Narnia was real. I even have looked in closets to just to see if it was."

Carlisle chuckled. "Why don't you take a little break and come have dinner." He said. "Esme's almost finished with it." Macy nodded. She marked her book at the last part she was at. Carlisle helped her up and they headed to the kitchen.

After dinner, Macy was in the living room. She had been exploring the house more. She saw a ton of framed pictures with the family together. She picked one up to look at it closer. "Hi Macy." Renesmee greeted her as she came into the room. Macy jumped and dropped the picture. It broke into pieces.

"What's going on in here?" Edward asked, coming into the room.

"I think I scared Macy." Renesmee said.

"Carlisle." Edward said. Carlisle walked into the room with the rest of the family. They all looked at broken picture frame.

"What happened?" Esme asked.

"I came into the room and said hi to Macy. It scared her and she dropped the picture." Renesmee explained. She looked at Macy. "I didn't mean to scare you."

Macy looked like she was about to burst into tears. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to break the picture." Macy apologized, talking quickly. "Please don't hurt me. It was an accident." A couple tears rolled down her cheek.

"It's ok." Carlisle said, going over to her. Macy cowered in a corner. She flinched when Carlisle lifted his hand. She cringed and closed her eyes, waiting for what was to come. She always got hit if she broke something.

"Macy." Carlisle said. "Macy, look at me." Macy looked at Carlisle. He was crouched in front of her, closer to her level. "We aren't going to hurt you." Carlisle said. "We're not angry with you. It was just an accident. The picture frame can be fixed." Macy nodded.

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