Chapter 6

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Warning: This chapter does mention abuse and a little bit of rape. The rape isn't too graphic. There is nothing about the actual rape, just leading up to it.)

A month and a half went by. Macy had been getting a little better. She didn't keep to herself so much and she spent time with the Cullens. She started listening to classical music to help her fall asleep at night. She still had nightmares from time to time, but she didn't have them every night anymore and they aren't as bad as they used to be. It was Monday afternoon. Macy was sitting on a bench outside the high school. She had gone back to school three weeks ago. When other kids asked what happened and why she was out for so long, Macy just said that she was really sick. She was waiting for one of her siblings to pick her up, when, all of a sudden, she grabbed by someone. She couldn't see who it was that grabbed her. She tried to scream, but the person was covering her, so her screams were muffled. She was brought to a car and was forced into the backseat. She looked in the review mirror, when the person got into the car, and saw it was her father.

"Dad!" Macy said.

"Hey baby girl." Her father said.

"Let me go." Macy said. She tried to open the car door, but it was locked. Her father started to drive. Macy sighed. She wanted to get away from her, but she thought if she tried to get away now, he would hurt her.

"So, where have you been for the past month and a half?" Her father asked.

"You already know." Macy said.

"Oh right. The foster family." Her father said. "How were they?"

"They were nice." Macy said.

"Well, I'm glad could take care of you until I was able to again." Her father said.

Macy noticed that they were driving out of Forks. "Why are we leaving Forks?" She asked.

"I bought a house in Seattle, so we could have a clean slate." Her father said. "A fresh start." Macy just nodded.

Around four hours later, they pulled up in front of a house. "You'll like Seattle." Her father said. Macy didn't say anything and just walked into the house. "I decorated your room for you." Her father said as he lead her up the stairs and walked into a room. Macy saw that it was like her room at her father's house in Forks. Exactly the same. Everything from the room. When she opened the closet, she saw all of her clothes there from before she ran away. "I'll be downstairs." Her father said. Macy nodded. She looked out the window. She thought about running away again, but she figured her father would just come after her again. She sighed and grabbed a book from her bookshelf. She sat on her bed and started reading.

A little bit later, her father called her down. "Macy, I made dinner." He said.

"I'm not hungry." Macy said. She didn't want to be around her father. If she wanted something to eat, she could get something after he went to bed.

"Come on." He said. "Come down and eat."

Macy sighed. She figured it was better to do what he said. She was afraid of what he'd do if she didn't. She set her book down and headed downstairs. When she walked into the kitchen, she that her father made fettuccine Alfredo, which was her favorite. "You made my favorite food?" She asked.

"I made brownies too." Her father said. "I know you like them." Macy just sat at the table, where a plate was set, and started to eat. "Macy, I just wanted you to know that I'm not mad at you for running away." Her father said.

"You aren't?" Macy asked.

"No." He said.

"Ok." Macy said. As they ate, Macy's phone went off. She looked at it and saw it was Renesmee.

"Why don't you put that away." Her father said.

"I really should take this." Macy said.

"Put it away, please." Her father said. "Here. I'll take it." He had his hand out. Macy handed him the phone and he set it on the counter.

When they finished eating, Macy started to head back up to the room. She heard her phone go off again. She went over to it, but her father stopped her. "Maybe you should leave that down here." He said. Macy looked at him before going back up to her room. She could hear her phone continue to go off downstairs. After a while, her father put it somewhere where he wouldn't hear it ringing.

That evening, Macy was asleep in her room. She ended up waking herself up from a nightmare. She could feel the sweat on her forehead and her heart was pounding. She took a couple deep breaths to calm herself down. Just then, she heard footsteps coming towards her door. She put the covers over her and pretended to be sleeping. Maybe he would leave her alone when he saw her sleeping. Her father opened the door and walked into the room. "Macy, are you ok?" He asked as he went over to her bed. "I heard you talking." Macy didn't say anything, hoping that he would realize she's asleep and would go away. But he just stood there. "Macy?" He said.

"Yeah. I'm ok." Macy said, opening her eyes and looking at him.

"Why were you talking?" Her father asked.

"I had a bad dream." Macy replied. "I was talking in my sleep."

"I'm sorry, baby." Her father said. He started to rub her back.

"Please don't touch me." Macy said, softly.

"It's ok." He said. He started to rub her back from under her shirt.

"Please. Stop." Macy said. But he didn't stop. He moved his hand from her back to her stomach. He used his other hand to force her to lay down and he continued to move his hand up her stomach. Macy knew what was about to happen. Before she ran away, he would always come into her room at night. He would do it almost every night. Macy would always stay awake late, knowing he would come in. She never wanted to actually be asleep when he would do it. She would try to fight it, but right now she was too tired and he was much more stronger than her. She knew she wouldn't be able to fight him off her.(I'm not going to go into anymore details.)

The next morning, Macy was in her room. She had just gotten out of the shower. She had taken a long shower, until the hot water turned cold. She wanted to get the feeling of what her father did to her last night off of her. Her came into her room, without knocking or announcing that he was coming in. He didn't say anything and went over to her. He started doing what he did last night. He moved his hand under her shirt and up her stomach.

"Stop." Macy said. Her father didn't stop. "Please." Macy said. Her father continued to move his hand up her stomach. Macy used as much strength as she could to push him away.

"You spoiled little brat." Her father said. "Is this what you do to your own father? After 12 years of me loving you and taking care of you on my own, you run away to another family."

"If you really loved me, you wouldn't have done all of those horrible things to me." Macy said.

"Those people don't love you. They don't even care about you." Her father said. "You're just a girl that they have to deal with."

"They do care about me." Macy said. "Way more than you ever did." Her father slapped her. Macy hand went up to her face. It stung from the slap. He grabbed her arm and took a cigarette out of his pocket. It looked like he had just finished smoking it. He pressed it against her arm. "Ow!" Macy cried. Her father undid his belt and started hitting her with it, with the buckle hitting her. Macy cried out in pain.

"Please stop!" She begged.

"Shut up." Her father said. He stopped hitting her and pinned her down on her bed. Macy tried to get out of his grasp.

"Get off me!" Macy said.

"Stop moving and stay still." Her father said. Macy ignored him and continued to get out of his grasp, but he was too strong. Her father took something out of his pocket. She saw that it was a syringe. He injected her with it. Within seconds, Macy blacked out. Before he walked out of her room, he took a razor out of his pocket and cut Macy's wrist, the one that he hadn't burned with.

A New Family(A Twilight Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon