Chapter 15

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Later that night, Macy and Katie were both asleep in the tv room. All of a sudden, Macy woke up screaming from a nightmare. Katie woke up, hearing the screaming.

"Macy?" Katie asked.

"Please stop!" Macy said.

"Macy." Katie said as she touched her shoulder.

Macy jerked her arm away. "Don't touch me!" She said.

Carlisle came into the room. "Hey. Hey. It's ok." He said.

"Leave me alone!" Macy said.

"Macy, look at me." Carlisle said. Macy looked at Carlisle. "You're ok." Carlisle said in soothing voice. "You're safe. He can't hurt you." After a minute, Macy started crying. "Shh. It's ok." Carlisle said, holding Macy and comforting her. "You're ok." After a few minutes, Macy calmed down a little bit. "Better?" Carlisle asked.

Macy nodded. She looked around for her phone. "Here." Katie said, handing it to her.

"Can I stay up and watch tv?" Macy typed and showed it to Carlisle.

"Alright." Carlisle said. "But only for a little bit." Macy sat on the couch with Katie.

"Are you ok?" Katie asked. Macy nodded.

About an hour later, Carlisle walked into the room. "Katie, is Macy asleep?" He asked.

"Yeah." Katie said.

"I'm going to have her sleep in mine and Esme's room." Carlisle said as he picked her up.." Katie nodded. "If you want to sleep somewhere more comfortable, you're welcome to sleep in Macy's room."

"Ok." Katie said.

The next morning, Carlisle and Esme were in the kitchen. Katie walked in. "Good morning, Katie." Esme greeted her.

"Is Macy alright?" Katie asked.

"Yeah. She's ok." Carlisle said. "We apologize for her waking you up."

"It's fine." Katie said. "Does that happen a lot?"

"She's waken up almost every night from having nightmares, since she's been with us." Esme said.

"I didn't realize it was that bad." Katie said. "She never told me she had nightmares."

"She didn't have them as much after she started staying with us for a little bit, but it got bad again after her father took her and she's gotten worse." Carlisle said.

"How bad is it?" Katie asked. Carlisle and Esme exchanged a look with each other.

"We don't know if she wants you to know or not." Esme said. "But you're her friend and we think that you should know."

"What?" Katie asked.

Carlisle hesitated before speaking. "Before you came over yesterday, Macy tried to kill herself." He said.

"What!" Katie said. "I wish I knew what her father was doing to her before she ran from him, but I didn't know. She didn't tell me anything this until the other day. I could of helped her."

"It's not your fault, Katie." Esme said.

"I don't want her to hurt herself." Katie said.

"We don't either." Esme said.

"Isn't there something that you can do?" Katie asked Carlisle.

"We're trying to get her help." Carlisle said. "But she won't let us. Every time we talk to her about seeing someone, she doesn't want to. But, we're thinking that we're going to have to make her after yesterday."

"We're glad that she has you as a friend." Esme said. "She's seems a lot happier when she's hanging out with you." Katie nodded.

Just then, Macy walked into the room. "Morning sweetheart." Esme said.

Macy waved to them.

"Did you sleep ok?" Carlisle asked.

Macy nodded. Katie hugged Macy, tightly. "I'm sorry you had to see that last night." Macy typed. "And I'm sorry I woke you up."

"It's ok." Katie said.

"Why don't you girls have a seat." Esme said. "Breakfast is almost ready."

"I'm going to go to the bathroom real quick." Macy typed.

"Are you ok?" Carlisle asked, worried that she would do what she did yesterday.

"I'm fine. I promise." Macy typed. "I just need to use the bathroom."

"Ok." Carlisle said.

"I want to do something for Macy." Katie said, once Macy was out of earshot. "Something to get her mind off of everything."

"Did you have something in mind?" Esme asked.

"Her birthday is coming up in December." Katie said. "I was thinking about having a surprise party for her."

"That sounds like a great idea." Esme said.

"When is her birthday?" Carlisle asked.

"The 15th." Katie replied. "I know it would be difficult with the holidays."

"We can definitely find time to have a party for her." Carlisle said.

"Great." Katie said. The rest of the morning, Macy and Katie hung out, until Katie had to go.

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