6: 18+ Content Right Here

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This book is more dirty than the first book, and this chapter is SUPER dirty, like details of sex and all, so don't read it if you're too young or if you don't know the sexual contact between two😣😕

She sat there quiet, and I was lost in thoughts that I didn't realize her looking at me, "I know it's upsetting to hear, But you can still fix it and make it right....anyways, let's clean these kiddies" she said and picked up the wash rag, I started rubbing shampoo on his head, and soon conditioner, then after applying the hair products I made him stand up, Ma-su wasn't paying attention, I then washed his body with body soap, after I rinsed him then rinsed his head to get the Shampoo and conditioner out, btw, Jennie was doing the same thing so we rinsed them at the same time, then we wrapped them in towels and carried them to their rooms, I sat him on his bed and put lotion on him, even though he's a boy I don't want him getting dry ruff skin, so after putting it on I put some pj's on him then I brushed his hair, he had the same length of his father's hair, so after brushing it I took him to the bathroom and he brushed his teeth, then I tucked him in his bed and turned the light off, but left his night light on, and once I left his room I had to slowly close the door because he fell asleep soon as he lied down,

once I walked out I saw Jennie folding laundry while sitting on her bed, her room was across from the bathroom, and the bathroom was right beside Ban-su's room, her door was opened so I could see it, I sighed and walked into her room and sat beside her, "now that the kids are asleep, and the guys are doing whatever downstairs, what are we gonna do?" I asked, she smirked at me, " well, I'm hanging out with yoongi, and Taehyung also might want to sleeeeeeep~ ^3^" she said giggling, I knew what she meant, I sighed again, and shook my head in disbelief, "whatever, I'm gonna go change and go to sleep" I said and she nodded, I then walked in my room, I shut our door and started removing my clothes, once I had my pants and shirt off I was about to unclip my bra when a knock was at the door, "crap" I whispered to myself, I then wrapped a blanket around me and opened the door, "yes?" I said and saw Taehyung, " I wanted to sleep " he said, "then go to sleep" I said and scoffed joking and let him in, I was obviously not being mean, once he walked in I walked to my closet and once I turned around I saw him taking his shirt off, I gulped, I haven't seen him shirtless in 3 weeks, my love life has been dead forever now, I think it's just because I haven't seen shirtless Tae for 3 weeks but his abs looked like they've gotten better, his skin was tanner and looked soft and smooth, no chest hair anywhere. It was just smooth and looked warm~ Hehe~👀, I couldn't turn my eyes away, soon my grip on the blanket gave out and the blanket fell, revealing me in my underwear, once his shirt was fully off he looked over at me and smirked, then he looked down at my body and grinned wider, "I feel like I've never seen you in your underwear before, it's nerve wrecking and new to me I guess" he said kinda pitiful looking down at his shirt,

I understood, he's amazing, this whole time I thought he wasn't really bothered by it, he never touched me because he knew the situation, he never held me against my will because he wanted it, so I felt guilty, I looked down ashamed, "what's wrong?" He asked kinda softly, " i-.....*sighs* I feel bad" I said then looked up at him.

<<Taehyung's POV>>

once she looked up at me she gave me this puppy look, her eyes sparkled like she had pity for me or something, I found it so cute.
"for not at least trying to attempt sexual body contact" she added, "it's okay, you shouldn't feel bad...it's not your fault, we're adults AND parents, and being both is a big responsibility, we have to give up a lot of things to mature, being intimate with each is one of them" I said then unbuckled my pants, before I pulled them down I pointed to my drawer, " can you pass me my pj's? " I asked, she stood there for a second, before running to me, she slammed me against the wall that was beside the door.

<<Ji Ah's POV>>

"I want you....badly" I whispered under my breath, we made eye contact, I know I was gonna regret this later because someone might hear or walk in on us, but I didn't care, I was actually really horny and right now....it was just about me and him, I leaned in and kissed him like there was no tomorrow, we french kissed, the kiss was hot and amazing, as we kissed I locked the door and I felt his soft hands start going up my back, then I felt him unclip my bra, I allowed it to fall to the floor, then I used my hand to take his pants and boxers off, and I took my undies off, soon we were both naked, you don't know how good it felt to touch his soft hairless tan six packed chest, I actually bit my lower lip and moaned a little with my mouth closed rubbing his chest, "huh, you really missed this" he said smirking referring to his shirtless self, "Mhmm" I responded and nodded, he then caressed the side of my right boob and he pushed me onto the bed, as he hovered over me he smirked down at my smiling self, "you also missed this?" He asked and I nodded again, " but, I didn't only miss this....I also missed this" I said and wrapped my legs around his waist pulling him down to touch my body with his, but he was strong, I pouted and whined because he wouldn't touch my body with his, "be patient jagi~...let me tease you a bit first" he said responding with a wink, I didn't like the idea of him.....teasing me again, but okay, he then lowered a little, and yes, he had a boner, a really hard one, he then touched my p#ssy lips with the tip of his member, causing me to moan lightly, I closed my eyes and tried so hard not to moan loud so I wouldn't wake the kids, then I wrapped my legs around his waist again, you know how when people play tug-of-war how they both pull back, but when one person gave up then the other person falls and flies backwards?, Well that kinda happened, I was using my legs to pull him down to touch me, but he was pulling back so he wouldn't move, but then he stopped refusing out of nowhere which I was still pulling so when he stopped his d!ck flew fast into my vagina, causing me to arch my back covering my cries with moans, I was moaning pretty loudly, so he put a clean sock in my mouth for me to bite down on, then, he started moving back in forth humping me, but he did it slowly, but since his member was big it slowly started feeling really good, so I kept moaning as he smirked knowing how much pleasure I felt, I then used my hands not knowing what to do with them and started rubbing on his Torso, soon later he pulled out and now it was my turn, I flipped the cards, making me hovering above, I then went down a bit and grabbed the "handle" with both hands and pumped while sucking in it, causing him to throw back his head with light moans, I was happy to hear him moan because of me, so I sucked harder, he started breathing heavy, he then put his hand on the back of my head and pushed, so now I was choking from this d-ck, I then stopped and started coughing, "you alright?" He asked, " yeah *coughs* I'm fine" i said still kinda coughing, he then grinned, "do you like horses?" He asked me smirking while lifting a brow, " I do" I said and stopped coughing, "would you like to ride MY horse?" He asked, I blushed a little, " sure~" I said, he was lying on his back with his head against the headboard, I was at the foot of the bed because that's how I gave head, I then crawled to him, I spread my legs and sat right on his hard d-ck, I moaned but of course I tried not to, he smirked, then he said something that actually made me blush, "ride me" he whispered, I then gave a nod and started riding his d-ck, I bit my lip, then I felt that I was about to cum all over him, my legs went wobbly, I couldn't take it so I collapsed on him on accident, then he turned me over so we were lying beside each other facing each other, he covered us with a blanket, I thought we were going to sleep because I didn't cum, but no, he wasn't giving up, I closed my eyes, and he put my leg on his waist, making me spoon his front, then he put his p-nis back in me, I started moaning again,

"Oh gosh~ *moans*" I tried to say, " say my name" he whispered in my ear, I kept moaning not saying anything when he got a little mad, he started humping me fastly causing me to try to say his name to get him to stop, "T-Tae....T-tae-" he cut me off by humping me even faster and harder, to when he humps I literally move with him, "FUCK~ *moans* T-TAEHYUNG, TAEHYUNG" I said and squeezed my eyes closed, he then kissed me, I couldn't do it but I did, I french kissed him while we humped each other, I rubbed my hands on the back of his head, his back and just touched everywhere, he did the same, then I started shaking again, I stopped kissing him and looked at him "I'm....about to orgasm....*breathes heavy* i-i, can't.....I can't do it *moans*" I said trying to push him away, " y-you can do it" he responded "just a little while longer" he added, I nodded, and we humped harder, causing us both to moan beside each other, then soon I noticed he started shaking, "I'm c-cumming" he said, "same" I said in a moaning tone, then after a moment we both stopped humping and we breathed like we ran a Marathon, he pulled his member out, then he hugged me, "thank you for not giving up on our love, and giving me this amazing moment in time" he said and closed his eyes, " you're welcome" I said smiling, "goodnight" I said, " goodnight Jagi" he said and we both fell asleep.

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