Chapter 1: Elise Lucia Williams

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Zaimin (Author-chan): I'm so hungry....
*looks at the time*
Zaimin: Oh it's already midnight? Aaaaaaghhh
*gets up without realizing*
*starts to waddle towards the pantry*
*before you know it, she already has bread in her mouth*
Zaimin: Nom good...
*starts to waddle around while eating*
*just realized she was wearing the wrong pair of slippers*
Zaimin: Agh I'm stupid.

ANYHOW, let's start now, shall we?

Let's start from all the way from day one.

1. You may or may not like this story based off your tastes.
But Author-chan tried you know?
2. There might be some grammatical errors throughout the chapters
and some typos.
3. There might be some profanities in this story, I apologize.
But it's just how the characters behave. Author-chan doesn't want to do it,
but like she said, it's how the characters behave.
4. Author-chan is mean.
5. There will be slow updates, because Author-chan is also
updating that other book she made.
6. Once you get into the story, please vote for it!
Author-chan will be so glad!
7. Enjoy.

Also, A/N means Author's Note. For those of you who didn't know :)

Lucia's POV

I was just advance reading for tomorrow's class, I don't really want to be that student who's called and didn't get to answer because they didn't know. I want to be diligent, you know? I really don't want to disappoint my parents despite their hard work just to get me into this school. A high-class school, actually. I tried to convince them that they didn't have to enroll me to a such prestigious school. But they said, they just want the best for me. I also managed to get a scholarship which made our lives easier. I was in tears, my family wasn't like the other wealthy families. Whatever perspective you look at us, we're just below wealthy. But what's important is, we are happy with each other, right? We'll get through all these problems together.

Now enough of the sad vibes. Tomorrow is the first day— *A/N: So cliché, I know xD* —of grade 11 student like me. Basically a junior. I'm not so scared, my goal isn't even making friends. My goal is to finish my studies to be able to help my parents. Tsh, call me nerd and all, I don't care. Just hit all those filthy words at me, just not to my parents. Also, boys are at the veryyyyyyyyyyy last of my bucket list. I mean, I shouldn't put them there. Boys are not my responsibility. Yes! Lucia, boys are stupid. They are just ignorant people that would break your heart. Except my dad. He's the best. *A/N: DON'T FORGET THAT I WROTE THAT AUTHOR-CHAN WILL BE MEAN IN THE WARNING. LOL SHE'S SORRY THO*

I was too busy studying last night that I didn't realize that I fell asleep. When I woke up, I was on my bed, with blanket over me. Mom must've went home last night, too bad I didn't get to talk to her. I still didn't want to get up, despite the fact that the sun's rays are just at my face at this point. I can hear the chirping of birds, wait. I can smell breakfast! Meaning, mom is still here!

I immediately got up, went to the bathroom, and changed into my uniform. I grabbed my glasses, and I put them on. Yes, call me nerd all you want, I don't care. At this moment, I just realized the skirt of the uniform was too short. I mean, it isn't like, small for me. I just got this uniform last week. I even went to the school to get my sizes. But I think this really is what the uniform is like. Sigh. I can tell, there will be a lot of brats there. I can imagine them wearing thicc makeup on their faces. I laughed at this thought because I really don't know what to think of the school anymore.

          I went down stairs, to see my mom and my dad cooking. I was so glad to have us three eat together again. I mean, it's really rare for my mom and my dad to come home, because they are always working overtime. I'm really glad they decided to come home to rest.

"Hi mom! Hi dad!" I greeted them with a big smile on my face,

"Hi there sweetie! Come on let's have our breakfast together!" My mom said in a cheerful tone,

"I'm so glad you both decided to come home and eat together!"

"Me too, I just took a quick rest from work. Your mom too. We'll be here until Sunday." Said my dad. What he just said really brightened up my mood.

It's Monday today, I gasped, "You guys will be here for the rest of the week!"

"I know right sweetie! I'm so happy I could actually take a rest from work and bond with you both!" My mom exclaimed

"Well anyways, today is your first day of school, right sweetie?" My dad asked

"Yes actually, I really prepared for today. I asked that woman in the school if she can give me the pointers of the current semester! She was kind so she gave me one. I studied 5 topics last week, and I think I'm prepared!"

"As expected from our Lucy! Good luck in your school hun," my mom said

"Of course I will! Oh! Mom, dad I gotta go. I don't want to be late,"

"Oh! Of course of course! Drive safe!"

I have a motorcycle alright? It's my dad's old motorcycle that he gave to me.

          I drove off to school. Good thing I still remembered the way towards it. After at least 15 minutes, I got there safely. I went to the parking area and locked my motorcycle there. I went to the office to claim my locker number thing, and headed towards the number.... 315, the one at the high school building. I'm apparently at the wrong building frick.

          I had to go around and ask some students where the high school building was. Apparently, I am nowhere near it. Well, a bit of time skip, I finally reached my destination. I went to my locker and dropped off the materials I don't need for the first three periods of today. Damn, this school sure is big. It felt like a whole journey. I went to my class.... hmmm. It seems like, the ground level is for the freshmen. The second is for the sophomores, third is for juniors, and fourth floor is for seniors. Ok, this school is indeed rich. They even provided a whole floor just for high schoolers. Eh, whatever. I'm at class..... 305-C.... aight lezgo.

          I arrived at my class, and it's almost starting, thank God I wasn't late. I sat down wherever I saw that one vacant spot. I knew that it would be changed soon because of the seating arrangements. But I guess, the seating arrangements wouldn't be applied today. What do I expect, it's just getting to know everyone day. Sigh.

"Ok settle down class," said the teacher in front, "I am Mr. Harrison. I will be your class adviser and your Character Education teacher for the rest of the year. I am seeing a lot of familiar faces but also a lot of new faces. Well, let's not make this longer and let's start introducing yourselves! Starting from the first row!"

          Wait let me think...uh, so there aren't a lot of us here. I see 4 rows with just 4 students for each row. The classroom is surprisingly just enough for sixteen students to fit. Not so big, yet not so small, hmm.

To be continued... hehe

Hello there muffins! Yes that's what Author-chan will call her dear reader-san.
Are you enjoying the first chapter?
Author-chan sure hopes you are.
She's pretty caught up in writing this honestly.
Now, time for her to update that other book she made, in about an hour lol
So far, there aren't any profanities, and Author-chan is pretty glad about that.
Was that a nice start?
Hehe idk.

Well, see you at the next chapter.

Follow author-chan here!:
Instagram: zaimin_rei
Twitter: zaimin_rei
Youtube: pikachunami (I don't post that much there)

Word count: 1,402.

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