Chapter 2: Their Meeting Wasn't So Nice

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"Ok settle down class," said the teacher in front, "I am Mr. Harrison. I will be your class adviser and your Character Education teacher for the rest of the year."

"Good morning Mr. Harrison," the students greeted him, sounding bored

"I am seeing a lot of familiar faces but also a lot of new faces. Well, let's not make this longer and let's start introducing yourselves! Starting from the first row!" He continued

Wait let me think...uh, so there aren't a lot of us here. I see 4 rows with just 4 students for each row. The classroom is surprisingly just enough for sixteen students to fit. Not so big, yet not so small, hmm.

Let's continue, shall we?

1. You may or may not like this story based off your tastes.
But Author-chan tried you know?
2. There might be some grammatical errors throughout the chapters
and some typos.
3. There might be some profanities in this story, I apologize.
But it's just how the characters behave. Author-chan doesn't want to do it,
but like she said, it's how the characters behave.
4. Author-chan is mean.
5. There will be slow updates, because Author-chan is also
updating that other book she made.
6. Once you get into the story, please vote for it!
Author-chan will be so glad!
7. Enjoy.

Still Lucia's POV

"Good morning everyone! Nice to meet you, my name is Kaiya Ryuguuin! I hope we all get along!" Said the first student. Hmm, unlike the other students, she seems to be bubbly.

"Nice to meet you Ms. Ryuguuin! Next please," said Mr. Harrison,

"My name is Midnight Rossiya. That's all," said the second student, now that's the opposite.

*A/N: Hi Midnightqwq xD*

"My name is Shire Yap! Hope to get along with you all, along with my food," ʕʘ‿ʘʔ what?

"My name is Xander Wilson, I like to sleep," pretty normal introduction, in my opinion. I also like sleepin— no, I love sleeping.

Some time had passed and it's now my turn.

"Good morning everyone. Elise Lucia Williams. Pleased to meet you," I said, then I quickly sat down.

"Hi everyone! My name is Zaimin Reiya! Hope I could be friends with you all!" Exclaimed the one next to me. She's loud, ( '_ゝ')


The classes weren't so bad after all. I just really don't like my temporary seat mate, she's too loud. Good thing I still managed to understand the minor subject's lesson. I also noticed there are different sections for each grade levels. How stupid of me to think this whole floor is for our section only. Sigh.

"Hey seatmate!" You know who said that, I just looked at her with a 'what do you want' look

"Oh come on, don't glare at me like that!" She laughed

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