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Kinda drives you crazy
People think they've got it figured out
Wasn't meant to be easy
There's no reason to back out

They say Love is blind
But actually it's, Lovers are blind
It occurs naturally, not forced
Love is not fun, fun is a feature of love

That smile you get when you see them, that's love
The glow on your face people see when you go out, that's love
That warmth you feel when you step out together, that's love
That melody you always hear when they talk, that's love

That guilt you feel when they clean up your mess without you asking, that's love
That guilt you feel after you quarrel, that's love
That guilt you feel when you forget an important date, that's love
That guilt you feel when you have to turn them away, that's love

That peace you feel when you pray together, that's love
That peace you feel when you sleep in their arms, that's love
That peace you feel when you open up to them, that's love
That peace you feel when they're beside you during your down times, that's love

Science says Love is a chemical reaction that fades over time
Science also says the universe is a chemical reaction and we live in it
Just as how you believe the universe is real
So is Love real

Love doesn't have to be immediately ready
Like how we grow, it needs time to grow too
Feed love with positivity and it will grow
Feed love with negativity, it becomes a nightmare

Love is work
Love mustn't be a relationship
Sometimes love requires to let go

Believe in Love

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