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"Good morning". That peaceful voice of yours opening my day
Hearing your voice, I pretend to be deeper asleep
Then your kiss arrives, I scream "mayday!"
You've interrupted my beauty sleep

Well I can pardon that, Lol

Seated opposite the room waiting for your usual status updates
Laugh at your memes and call you ugly head
In the kitchen together, you cramping my space with your helping antics
So not interested but your jokes make working easier

When apart, I love our video chats, I love catching you off guard
When you'll be looking like a cat-trained serial killer
I love most that you'll actually answer the call knowing you look like that
Seeing your ugly beautiful makes me love you more

Love that twisted humor of yours
I love when you try to sing, good or bad? To me you're always bad at it
Because I love when we start arguing about how good of a singer you think you are
Letting you win in the end is my favourite

I love our dance challenges, song coverings
Love that all you do makes me smile
Everytime I ask why we're still together
You always say, "Love, Beauty & Romance"

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