Vintage Filter

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Looking at the photo filters
My heart is warm
Thinking of the day a bright smile will be beside me in a vintage filter
The retro and exquisite effect highlighting your smile

Maybe with a dimple or gap tooth, well I shouldn't be picky
For once we're alone, in sync like a melody

The radiant effect merging us with our environment like earth elemental dragons
You are Yin and I'm Yang
In perfect harmony with our environment

Maybe sharing an intimate story or discussing about dumb teenage issues
Gossiping about our friends and laughing with a snort
Thinking of blowing up our status with the pictures as we get home
Or maybe not...

We talk, not holding back any weaknesses
Wishing this will last forever
Feeling bored, we make plans for our future
Maybe we'll get married and have twins
Seeing your blush, I guess we're still young
Hoping fate smiles on us, silently praying I don't curse my thoughts

The birds fly above us into the horizon
Wishing we are free to soar the sky like them
But being with you is all I need to soar
Unless I hit a blunt

The vintage filter is my 'go to' place
The world inside shows how unique you are to me
I hope we'll admire these pictures forever

Loving might hurt but the photograph remains ever LOVE

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