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A stressful day was over
Waiting on a friend before we go home
He too waiting on You to come over
And I saw you up close for the first time

This brunette with a glowing skin
Who's smile can leave a man asunder
Voice like melodies well sung
Humbleness louder than thunder

Dreamy, you definitely were
Giving shy me the mind
I approach, to know who you were
You answered with a smile, definitely one of a kind

Fast forward, alas
Thought being friends was enough
But why do I feel regret whenever you pass
Lol, fell for my own bluff

Made a move a little too late
Now you're with another
I guess I have my feelings to regulate
And I can't do that proper

Can't stop staring at your beauty
Unknowingly, I feel your presence intoxicating a 100 meters around me
Your constant smile and positivity
I pray I won't stop seeing it

I guess this is Love?
Not sure I've thought it through
But if chance was given, I'd definitely say
I love YOU

I love you without needing a reason, a time or a season
How could I love you not, I'm not made for such treason
Showering you with my attention
Loving you, my only intention

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