Chapter 8 - Witty?

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Crane fell into a deep sleep early that morning as Carmen left his cell, assuring him that either she or another medic would come along to check on him and provide him with painkillers if he required them. Boles had unstrapped his wrist and ankles after Carmen had assured him that Crane would be out cold for a few hours as consequence of the painkillers. 

He had awoken around midday that same day with a pounding headache, in fact his entire body ached, no doubt from the beating he had received from Boles and his team the night before.

He turned onto his left side purely out of habit before his body sharply reminded him not to, sending a hit of pain through his shoulder. Having to content with lying on his back, Crane stared up at the concrete ceiling of his cell and allowed his mind to wonder.

As he lay there, Crane explored all the possible fears that Carmen hayes was hiding deep down, past those calm and caring eyes. Failure, perhaps? She was a medical professional so it was always a possibility. Death? Had she become a nurse to try and educate herself on how to avoid death? With his curiosity growing, Crane was beginning to regret his decision to use his only canister of fear toxin on Officer Jiles. Although he had to admit, it had been gleeful to watch the guard that had often tripped him up and humiliated him during his time at Arkahm writhe on the ground in terror, begging Crane to make it stop.

'Maybe if you didn't gas everyone you came across? You're a nice fella deep down Jon, you've just got to let people in'

Crane scowled deeply when his mind produced the advice that Sweet, Edward Nygma's wife, had given him when he had opened up to her about his feelings of loneliness in a moment of weakness after consuming a touch too much bourbon at her and Edward's wedding. He knew Sweet was not her real name but if he was being honest, he never really cared...even if he did feel quite ridiculous saying "Hello Sweet" whenever she picked up the phone. Crane had never admitted to his fellow rogue and friend the feelings of jealousy and anger that had festered and burnt in his chest when Edward had announced to him that, after just 6 months of dating, Sweet had agreed to marry him. He had never had a girlfriend as a teenager and that pattern of isolation and rejection had followed him into his 20s and finally his 30s. He was intelligent and (in his opinion) a whole lot less annoying then Edward Nygma so why was it, after all these years, he had remained alone?

His stomach churned as he thought of Becky Albright and he seriously considered leaning on his shoulder again, hoping the pain would offer a distraction.

Before he could think any further on the consideration, however, the buzzer of his cell door sounded loudly, signalling the arrival of a staff member. For a fleeting moment Crane raised his head, hoping it was Carmen but he was met instead with the face of Dr Ambrose, his assigned psychiatrist. He now felt ridiculous at the feeling of hope and anxiety that he had produced subconsciously.

"Good afternoon Mr Crane"

'Dr, Dammit, Dr' he thought bitterly as he let his head fall back down onto the pillow. 'I didn't spend all those years studying to be called Mr'

"Not in good spirits Jonathan?" he asked. "Miss Hayes wrote that you were rather...let's see- ah yes! Witty and equable during the time that she treated your injuries" He told Jonathan, checking her report to quote her directly.

Witty? She had called him witty?

After escorting Carmen back upstairs where she could take notes on Crane's condition and account for equipment she had used, Dr Ambrose had approached Boles to enquire to his patient's state during Carmen's visit. Dr Ambrose was a tad surprised when Boles relayed what had happened in the cell, especially that Jonathan had commented on Carmen's gentle touch whilst mending him. Dr Ambrose was now wondering if the presence of this new nurse would help to lower Crane's uptight and defensive personality and allow him to get a better look into what it was that made Crane do the things he did. What was it that caused Scarecrow to come out like he had the night he had gassed Officer Jiles.

Dr Ambrose inhaled to speak again but as he moved, he felt his right foot shift something on the floor. Crane's food tray had been left on his cell floor, untouched. It was common practice that, after any kind of disturbances, outbreaks or incidents in the asylum, patients would have their food delivered into their cells. Patients, especially those at high-risk, would have to earn the right to eat in the food hall with other patients through good behaviour. "Jonathan" Dr Ambrose's chosen tone annoyed Jonathan greatly. It was the patronising tone parents used when they told their children off. 'Now Timmy you know you're not allowed to post dead rats through the neighbours door'. "You haven't touched your food" he chided.

"Not hungry I'm afraid good Doctor" Jonathan had not moved from his laid down position since Dr Ambrose had entered. Not to mention his whole body still ached from his beating.

"I see...Miss Hayes also noted her concern for your thin frame" Dr Ambrose relayed, glancing at Crane to study his reaction.

'Well that knocks witty out of the window' he thought to himself disappointedly, now assuming that she thought he was too skinny. Dr Ambrose observed Crane for a moment longer before moving on after Jonathan had not spoken a word, nor moved a muscle in reaction.

"Come Jonathan, we're going to continue with our scheduled sessions" Dr Ambrose informed Crane who had already guessed the motive behind the doctor's visit and was not the least bit excited at the news. Two heavily armed guards entered the cell behind Dr Ambrose, riot helmets covering their faces. The names Zhao and Decklin were attached to the uniforms.

"Very well Doctor" Jonathan acquiesced as he finally at up and pulled himself off the bed, momentarily suffering with a dizzy head. "lead the way"

I hope you're all enjoying the story so far! I will be doing a story on Edward Nygma and his wife in the future so be on the look out :)

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