Chapter 11- An Opportune Moment

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I hope you are all keeping safe and well xx

Just a quick side note. I don't think I've mentioned which Jonathan Crane I'm basing this story on, but (in my mind at least) I'm using a mix of lots of source materials from the comics, the animated series and The Arkham games. I'm not solely basing him on the Batman Begins versions. Hope you enjoy this chapter! 

As she had expected, Crane's injuries appeared worse today. The bruises had ripened and deepened in colour, leaving him with purple and yellow mottled skin, as if someone had used him as a canvas overnight. She was pleased to see his arm still strapped up and wondered if she would have less luck when it came to the more energetic patients. Crane seemed grouchy but a little more alert this morning, it seemed the painkillers and sedatives had worn off. She wondered if he remembered anything he had said to her last night.

"Hello again child" he greeted her as she entered his cell and Carmen picked up on the tired edge to his voice.

"Hello Dr Crane, how are you feeling?" she asked, unsure if the name 'child' was meant to be patronising or endearing. She heard Peter asking his patient his usual questions as Officer Gates patrolled the corridor, gun in hand.

"As one would expect" he replied plainly. Crane was sat on his bed as he watched the nurse with interest. He could hardly remember a thing from the early hours of the previous morning when Miss Hayes had treated him, no doubt because of the sedative and painkillers, but one thing had stuck in his mind and kept surfacing, like a scar that refused to heal. She had been soft in her efforts to help him. She was not like the other medics in Arkham. She had not turned his head this way and that, clapped in front of his face like a dog to check he was alert or pressed overzealously on his wounds.

"Have you noticed any new developments?" she asked. "any aches or pains that weren't there yesterday?"

"No, not at all" his voice was more bitter than he had intended. He was unsure if it was the harsh lighting or yesterday's incidents, but he had awoken this morning with an arduous headache and an intense feeling of nausea. His tone of voice seemed to have no effect on Carmen's mood as she continued speaking. She had learnt to deal with all sorts of patients during her time at Gotham Hospital, from the rude and frantic, to the crude and shy. She had also learnt how to spot a liar. She had immediately clocked that Crane looked paler than he had yesterday and was slightly hunched over, his good arm sliding under his sling around his stomach. She wanted to give him the opportunity to tell her is he was unwell before she began pressing it out of him. She knew Dr Crane was a smart man, but wondered if his pride outweighed that part of his brain. She supposed he wanted to hold onto a much dignity as he could in this place.

"I see. I'm just going to check your cuts" She told him, having donned her usual blue gloves before coming over to him. He sat obediently, albeit feeling slightly embarrassed as she moved his hair away from the cuts situated on his forehead. "I'll have to be getting you an Alice band if your hair gets any longer, Dr Crane" she joked lightly. She had discovered, whilst working in the hospital that humour could often help patients to relax and even ease pain. Apparently, Dr Crane was not amused.

"Don't you dare" he snapped quickly, causing Carmen to bite her cheek to stop herself from laughing, she had not expected such an immediate response. "And I wouldn't say that name too loudly with Mr Tetch nearby" he warned.

"Yes, of course" she agreed. "You like to read?" she inquired, trying to distract him as she noticed the same copy of Dracula she had clocked during their first meeting

"Yes, it is not my usual choice of literary but Arkham has a limited selection when it comes to such things and it is better than sitting here losing brain cells" he explained and Carmen continued to be surprised by how well-spoken he was.

"If you could choose any book from the outside and bring it in here, what would it be?" she inquired curiously as she continued checking his facial injuries, including his left eye where he had burst some blood vessels. Crane was surprised by her question and a little suspicious, he had never had a 'chat' with any of the medics at Arkahm, let alone about books. He decided to play the game anyway, maybe he could dig up some of her information to use at a later date.

"The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" he confessed as he allowed her to poke and prod gently whilst trying to ignore the increasingly intense feeling of sickness.

"Ah, very classic. Any particular reason why?" she pressed.

" is special to me" he admitted after a short pause.

As she continued her work , Carmen observed Crane becoming paler and paler, until his face was as white as cotton and he was hunched over slightly, a light sheen of sweat present across his forehead. "Would you like a bucket Dr Crane?" she suggested as she stepped back and over to her bag to grab one of the disposable bowls for occasions such as these.

"No I- Yes that may be wise Miss Hayes" he changed his mind quickly as he felt his stomach churn. Carmen held the bowl out to him and Crane snatched it from her hands just in time, as he emptied his stomach, his head pounding. Carmen took the cup from his breakfast tray that had yet to be collected and rinsed it out at his sink before filling it with cold water.

"Here" she gently touched his back as she held the water out for him. So dizzied by the sudden vomiting and headache, Crane hardly noticed the soft hand on his back but grabbed the water and downed the glass once Carmen had taken the bowl from him. "Judging from your symptoms Doctor Crane, I suspect you have a mild concussion" she told him as she dealt with the bowl. For most people, these sorts of task would be too much, but for Carmen they had become an everyday occurrence, plus she liked to think she was a tough cookie.

"I suppose this is not what you had in mind for your first week" Crane stated as he shifted his strapped-up arm.

"I've had to do much worse Dr Crane" she smiled. "Now, about your..." she trailed off as did a double take to the cell across from his. Crane looked up at her as she failed to complete her sentence and followed her line of sight. "Mr Tetch?" she mumbled, a concerned expression crossing her face. Jonathan stood from the bed to see what had gotten the nurse so worried and in the process, found their height difference to be much more than he had expected. She must have been about 5'5" whilst he stood at around 6'1" when he wasn't slouching. Without thinking of the dangers or consequences of her action, Carmen grabbed her bag and sprinted across the hallway to Jervis Tetch's cell, grabbing his clipboard, before hastily unlocking it. She had gone into emergency mode. From Crane's cell she had seen Jervis Tetch collapse, his chest heaving wildly as he went red in the face "Mr Jervis Tetch?" she asked, her voice clear and authoritative as she placed the bag down next to him and bent down. "Mr Tetch my name is Carmen Hayes, I'm a nurse, I'm going to help you". Jervis continued to gasp and writhe on the floor or his cell, unaware of the nurse's presence. Carmen read over his medical notes hurriedly to make sure he did not have any allergies to the medication she was planning to give him. From his cell Jonathan Crane watched her, before his attention moved to his cell door that she had left unlocked and wide open...

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2020 ⏰

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