Chapter 10 - Officer Gates

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Carmen awoke with a start the next morning, causing her to wonder if this form of awakening would be a regular thing whilst she worked at Arkahm. It was not an external sound that had catapulted her awake this time, however, it had been a dream.

She had been doing her rounds at Arkham, only the building was ancient and abandoned with strange noises floating down the corridors. Upon reaching Crane's cell to check on his injuries she found the door had been left wide opened. She called for Peter and even Boles, checking up and down the hallways but there was no other human being in sight. She softly called Crane's name as she crept in, cautiously looking round the room for any life form. It had been hard to make out in the darkness of the cell, but she had seen the outline of a person, crouched on the floor in the corner. "Dr Crane?" she had inquired softly, stepping closer to check he was okay. He appeared to be shuddering, his breath heavy.

"Dr Crane is not available right now. Please call at another time to make an appointment". Carmen's heart had raced as she inched forward, careful not to startle him.

"Jonathan Crane? Is there something wrong? Is there something I can do to help you?" she had inquired softly as she had wondered if she was out of her depth. She was medic not a shrink.

"yes" the monosyllabic reply had caused her mouth to dry and she waited for him to elaborate. He had launched at her, looming over her as he grabbed the back of her neck and held a syringe to her neck. "Scream"

Sat in bed, Carmen rubbed her face and pushed her hair back. Maybe researching Crane's old crimes just before bed had been a mistake. She wanted to know who she was dealing with at that place, what red flags she needed to look out for amongst the rogues, what she should avoid doing in the presence of each of them to keep herself safe. Maybe she was going to have to re-think that theory. She looked at the clock as she subconsciously rubbed her neck where Crane had aimed his syringe in the dream, it was 6.13am. She would have to be getting up and ready soon anyway.

Annoyingly, Carmen found herself having to push her nightmare, that seemed to be determined to replay on a loop, out of her mind as she got herself ready. It had never really happened, therefore, she could not allow it to cloud her judgement or treat Jonathan Crane any differently. Even if she had made herself immensely more afraid of him now.

She was comforted to find more cars alongside hers this morning as she made her way to Arkham, the sights and sounds of the outside world putting her dream into perspective. That's all it was, a dream.

"Morning Franklin!" she greeted cheerily as she dumped her prohibited items into the tray Franklin offered to her. She had had to stand and wait behind a few other members of staff this morning, some dressed in guard uniforms and some in the classic white doctor's coats. Carmen was comforted by the knowledge there were a few other people in the asylum this morning. Perhaps they were putting all hands on deck after yesterday's incident, it wouldn't have surprised her.

"Hey" he smiled. Apparently she had been the only one to offer him a greeting this morning, the other's cheeriness seemed to have already evaporated. "I heard you got called in at crazy o'clock yesterday" he chatted as she placed all of her items in a tray, her name displayed on the front with a white, handwritten label.

"Yeah" she nodded "it was quite the experience"

"Huh" she let out a short laugh, she guessed it had meant to be a laugh anyway. "better get used to that, have a good day Miss Hayes"

"Call me Carmen! You to Franklin" she nodded and made her way to the staff room where she could hang up her bag and prepare for her day with Gotham's most colourful characters. She smiled politely at the unfamiliar faces who were already in the staff room, making coffees and looking over their paperwork. As she hung her bag up and jacket up, Peter strolled through the door, considerably more relaxed and rested then when Carmen had last spoken to him. "Good morning Peter" she smiled as she tied her hair back.

"Carmen, good morning! I am glad you decided to come back in after your eventful shift yesterday". In his hand was a sheet of paper, no doubt the list of patients they would be seeing to today

"I wouldn't do that to you Peter" she assured him.

"Ready for another riveting day?" he asked with the excitement of someone who had been told they had won a root canal.

"Lay it on me Peter, what have I got today?" the level of friendly, workplace banter at Arkham seemed to be the only thing keeping the staff smiling and Carmen was appreciative of Peter's efforts to keep the mood light.

"Well, there've been no new complaints from level 3, however upstairs on level 2 Mr Kuznetsov has been complaining of a temperature that the night crew didn't get round to checking" he chewed his pen as he spoke, examining the sheet. "We've got two other medics coming in at midday as well" he mumbled. "We'll start with downstairs, level 3, as usual, here's your lucky lot" he handed her the high security patients they would be checking first thing. "I've put Jonathan Crane on your sheet, as long as you're still happy to have him under your care?" he checked.

"of course! Not a problem" she replied as she became overly conscious of her dream, and the presence of his patient notes in her uniform pocket.

"Righty ho then. Things are still a little...unsettled downstairs I'm afraid so Officer Gates will be joining us, just as a precaution" he explained as they left the staff room. After getting her medic bag from the cupboard, Peter and Carmen met with a tall, strong jawed officer who she guessed was Officer Gates. He seemed physically restless but wordless as the two medical professionals said their hellos and they all climbed into the metal elevator. He only nodded with a scowl that took any friendliness away from the gesture. As the doors shut, for some unhelpful and unseen reason, Carmen's brain presented her with the scenario of the lift malfunctioning and the belt snapping, sending them hurtling downwards. Trying to shift the image of the end result from her brain Carmen quickly blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

"How is Officer Jiles? Has he recovered?" there was a long and telling silence in the face of her question, causing Peter to adjust his tie uncomfortably.

"Officer Nick Jiles is still in an unconscious state at the hospital" Officer Gates spoke finally. "Crane's gas turned his brain into a box of frogs, but at least he's stopped screaming." he looked at Carmen purposefully and she suddenly became very conscious of the need to clear her throat or swallow. She opted for a quiet cough. "All hell breaks loose, they attack a member of staff and they send you lot in to patch up a few bumps and bruises." He spat bitterly. "Heard you're treating the fearsome Doctor Crane" he continued as he looked at Carmen

"Yes that's-"

"some advice for you Doc, don't use all your painkillers in your first week, you might need them later. Lot's of these inmates, they're clumsy...trip a lot if you get what I mean." he smiled crudely at her, but she refused to look at him, anger blooming in her chest. Both she and Peter were glad when the elevator doors opened, allowing for some of the tension to escape the confines on the small metal box. Without uttering a word to either of her co-workers Carmen stepped out, her medic bag slung up onto her shoulder. She wasn't sure what words would have escaped her mouth if she had replied. Everyone here, all the guards at the very least, treated the inmates like they had chosen to become ill and their actions (regardless if they had any control over themselves when they were committed) gave them a warrant to treat them as less than human. Brain injuries, chemicals imbalances, accidents, all these could lead an individual to be labelled as 'crazy' and no one was safe from any of them. They could leave life-changing and serious consequences. Carmen was sure that no one chose the life of an Arkham Asylum inmate.

"Miss Hayes! How are you this glorious morning my bird?" Carmen tried not to make her sigh visible as Penguin addressed her through the glass.

"hello Mr Cobblepot, I'm very well thank you, and yourself?" she asked politely. After a few good mornings (some less creepy than others) from some of the other inmates including Garfield Lynns, Harvey Dent and Jervis Tetch, Carmen finally arrived at Jonathan Crane's cell.

"Good morning Doctor Crane!" Carmen announced in the most pleasant voice she could muster, following her silent staring competition with Officer Decklin. She was beginning to wonder if there were any decent security guards in Arkham...

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