Chapter 2: Im proud to be adam

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My parents have me the name Adam cause they thought it was a marine name. My parents always wanted me to be In the marines but I don't want to. They always look so destroyed like they got shot 100 times. I am a weak little kid. I'm below hight for a normal 9yr old. Well of course I would be when you have a wicked lady that dosnt care about kids and she is running your life! Oh I forgot to tell you if you don't do the orders she asked you to do she gives you death threats! That is how mean and wicked she can be ugh! One thing I don't like about the name Adam is that I am always the first in name calling. It is the worst when your a foster kid that is. Adam I just love the sound of it, most kids here hate there names mostly beacsue there parents knew they were going to send them to a foster home before they were even born So they didn't care what they named them. Each year we have a drawing whoevers name gets picked out if the jar they get a free way ticket to changing there name. That is probably about the nicest thing they ever do here. I wish we have a t.v and a wii and all the electronics or even just 1 stuffed animal but we can never get that ms.sassy always says. Our clothes are always stinky! Well whatever it's better than being in the nude! People used to make fun of me all the time but I lived through it. I'm proud to be Adam! I can be anything I want to be fierce, happy,sad,dangerous I deserve to be a Adam! I will one day make my family proud cause I know they are watching me from up in heaven. I guess I can tell you what happend. My mom and dad and brother and sister were all coming home from dinner..... A truck just crushed them and they never came out of that car no one knew it was there. The car just laid there no one on sound no nothing. I can't go any further than that or there will be tears on this page. But that is what makes me proud to be Adam! One day I will escape the place and go to the free world and live my parents dream and my dream to make there dream happen for me. I hope nothing happens to me. I know where to go if I ever left this building I head straight for the woods there is a stream down there and food and fresh Akers of trees for me to hide and from there I could plan my life they way it should have been from the start! I was only 1 when my family died. So I don't know much about there death. And I promised them I wouldn't be a bully or a picker at anybody. And I know I will obey my parents rule and go on fourth to my dream as on set for my life! People come and try attack me but I defend my self with my heart. All you need to do is use strategy and out think your competition between who ever it is cause it won't hurt you or the person it is defending yourself. The bell struck it is 12:00pm! The security is on there lunch break (yes)!

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