Chapter 1

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*incoming call*

(Don't worry about the sentence at the top)

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(Don't worry about the sentence at the top)

Star: Hey biiiitch
Taeya: okay you need to stop calling me that or I will come to New Jersey and beat your ass
Star: damn ok, anyway what's up!
Taeya:nothing just wanted to see how your move is going
Star: well I was in the middle of a tiktok so buzz off
Taeya: Whatever, your such a friend by-
Taeya: Yea sure
Star: Anywayssss hows my little brother, Jayden?

Star calls him her little brother because he's like a brother to her.

Taeya: He's fine, just a normal broke arm.
Star: Fr?! Damn I didn't even get to sign it!
Taeya: whatever, I'll leave you to unpack school is tomorrow anyway
Star: I still can't believe my mom moved my in the middle of the year
Taeya: Calm down it's only January it wasn't even half of a school year
Star: Okay well I'm going finish unpacking
Taeya: Alright bye
Star: Byeee
*Taeya hangs up*

(Ok so skip to the morning of the first day of school because I'm like that)


I wake up to my alarm going off *beep* beep* beep* I shut off the alarm. It was 6:00am and I got up.

"ughhh I gotta get ready" I groaned.

I showered, did my skin care routine, and picked out my clothes. I wore this.⬇️

Limo driver= Alfred😂

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Limo driver= Alfred😂

"STAR! come on or you will be late!" Alfred yelled from downstairs
"I know Alfred I'm coming" I rushed down the stairs

Alfred dropped me off and I went to the office to get my schedule, classroom numbers and stuff.

"ok star, Vallyk is going to show you around the school" said the principal pointing to a guy who must be Vallyk. I nodded and looked at Vallyk. He smiles at me and he waved, I smiled back and he stood up.




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