Chapter 4

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"Guys we won the game, now can we go out Star?" Derek's annoying ass asked. "Sure, your a grown ass man I mean boy, go the fuck wherever you want" I said throwing up my hands "bitch, I am a MAN not a fucking boy" he said slapping me. Mike held me back from almost killing Derek "SOMEONE COME GET THIS BITCH BEFORE I KNOCK THE LIFE OUT OF HIM" I yelled.


We ended up going to an after party. about an hour of being there I ending up alone and Essence came up to me. ughhh here we go again!

"I smell all sorts of crusty up in here and it could only be you. It's best if you go" she said laughing while her 'minions' stared me down.

"Oh look the hoe- correction, HOES of the century are here, what you gonna do now? Get back on your knees for Vallyk? I'm sorry that your so jealous he actually likes me more than he did during your entire relationship" I said, I'm a little too chill which means once she says the wrong thing, there is no waiting she just gonna get one punch to her crusty musty ass face.

"Listen bitch, you may have good comebacks and shit. You may also think your the shit but you ain't. Stay the FUCK away from my man, or I'll fucking kill you bitch" she said pulling the gun out of her pocket and pointing at me.

Crazy bitch.

"Pfft, ok then, shoot me. PULL THE FUCKING TRIGGER AND SHOOT ME. Since your so fucking obsessed with the ONE guy that doesn't like you, shoot me. I dare you, cause that's gon make Vallyk hate you more."

"Your plan is to what? Kill me, shoot me in my brain and then kidnap Vallyk, move away to a new country? So his parents don't look for him your gonna tell him to say his goodbyes at gun point? Is that what your gonna do?! This ain't a movie. SO PULL THE GOD DAMN TRIGGER AND END ME ALREADY! SO YOU CAN LIVE YOUR DUMB ASS FANTASY!" I yelled, I was pissed.

One more move Essence. Make that one fucking move and I swear your ass is gonna get fucked the hell up.

"Bitch, I'll shoot your ass right now. Three...t-"

"Aye what's going on over here?" Vallyk asked.

We both never answered. "I said what the fuck is going on?" Vallyk asked in a more stern tone

"Two-" Essence said getting cut off by me dragging her ass by her fake ass ponytail. Shit dropped off her mother fucking head lmafo.

Everyone laughed but that didn't give me and invitation to stop. So I pulled whatever the rest was on her head and dragged her down to the ground. I kicked her and got on top of her and started punching the shit out of her face. Sadly that didn't last long because dumb ass Vallyk had to pull me off of her and hugged me right to calm me down. I was WAYYYY to chill to be calmed down, because I was mad chill were I could kill somebody if I was a little more chill than this.


So long story short, I ended up being forced out the party by party pooper Vallyk. He drove me home and stayed at my house with me to make sure I didn't pull up on Essence and kill her in front of her whole family. She also had to go but she was forced out by the house owners.

"Leave me the hell alone man! I just want to go to sleep bro" I yelled at Vallyk. Clearly he ain't taking that shit.

"Go lay down and sleep then! I'm not leaving your ass, to find out in the morning that you were arrested!" Vallyk snapped back at me.

"WHATEVER BRO! so damn annoying, can't even let me be in my own fucking house" I mumbled the last part.


Vallyk said sorry and he laid down with me while I fell asleep. Then he stayed until Beyoncé came, she checked on me and then they both left.

I woke up in the middle of the night and Vallyk texted me.



Cutie💕🥺: Hey...
                                                             Me: Hey...

Cutie💕🥺: you alright now?

Me:yea I'm great

Cutie💕🥺: ok than! Oh shit congrats
on u and Mike! I forgot to tell u that earlier

You wanted to tell him how you really feel but you just shrugged it off.

Me: oh...thanks, I'm gonna get ready for
bed. see you tm at school.


I already wrote the ending guys...FUCK!!!! I'm so excited for y'all to see it! I need go go faster on these updates😂. N E ways, just saying the view are a little off because I restarted the story if you didn't know. N umm...sorry this chapter was short. I'll update again tomorrow because I'm just so excited for that ending!!!! K bye.

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