Explanation: The ending explained.

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Firstly I would like to say thank you so much for reading my story. I'm so happy I have 2k views on this book! Ahhhh!

This is for the people that didn't understand the ending.

We all knew Essence's psycho ass was obsessed with Vallyk right? Yea ok, so on the prom day she wanted Vallyk but to bad because she couldn't get him, she then decided to shoot the poor girl Star, her jealous ass couldn't stand seeing them together, sad. So in a more basic form for people who still don't understand, she shot Star because she wanted Vallyk all to herself. Now Star is dead and as for Vallyk...well...he's alone still living at his parents place. He now has Depression and he set a restraining order on Essence. He do be sad over a girl doe. N E ways chile, so...moral of the story, don't fuck with crazy bitches men💀.

This is my other book, Wish. Please read it. I'm not forcing anyone tho so don't take it that way.

I hope you like it! Bye Loser, until we go shopping again😂

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I hope you like it! Bye Loser, until we go shopping again😂. I'm mean, ok Bye bye!

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