Chapter 1, Page 2

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Frisk and Nemo stared at the bowl of candy. "Take one." Said Frisk, reading the label aloud.

"Should we?" Asked Nemo.

"Hm...  yes." Said Frisk. They both took one piece of candy and put it in their pockets.

Nemo looked around the room. "Doesn't look like there's anything left, shall we?" He asked as he jerked his thumb at the door. Frisk smiles and nodded their head. With that the pair exited back into the hall. As they walked they passed the glowing star again which Frisk brushed their hand against, doing so caused another feeling of warmth to pass over the duo, and Nemo felt the pain from that Froggit's attacks vanish. They continued down the hall and went around the bend. Suddenly their souls appeared again as a Whimsun appeared.

"Well this is new." Said Nemo.

"I'm sorry." Said the Whimsun. Suddenly a ring of butterflies appeared around them. The pair stayed still waiting for the butterflies to attack them, but instead they simply vanished. Nemo looked back at the Whimsun and saw that it was avoiding looking at him.

"Ok look, I'm not interested in fighting. Go now and you won't be hurt." Said Nemo. The Whimsun said nothing as it flew away. Once the Whimsun was gone, their souls vanished. Nemo sighed. "Let's go."

They walked down the hallway for only a moment before the ground suddenly gave out beneath them and they fell. They let out a shout of alarm as they fell. Next thing they knew, they were lying in a pile of leaves. "What just happened?" Asked Nemo as he looked around. Frisk let out a giggle. "What?" Asked Nemo as he turned and looked at him. They continued to giggle and pointed at his head. Nemo's eyes traveled upwards as he reached up and plucked a leaf out of his hair. He looked at it for a moment before rolling his eyes with restrained smile. "Very funny Frisk." Said Nemo. With that they stood up and looked around. They saw tunnels on the wall. "Which one?" Asked Nemo.

"Let's do the right one." Said Frisk as they pointed to the tunnel on the right.

"Alrighty then." Said Nemo as they approached the right tunnel. "You first." Frisk nodded and entered the tunnel. Nemo counted to ten before calling up. "Did you make it through?!"

A couple of seconds passed. "Yeah!" Called Frisk. At their response Nemo crawled through the tunnel. A few seconds later he popped out on the floor they had been before. "Nemo look!" Called Frisk. Nemo looked over at them and saw them crouching near where they'd fallen, a pair of holes showing where they'd fallen. Frisk grabbed a stick and poked the ground, as they did so it crumbled away and formed another hole.

"I guess this was another puzzle." Said Nemo. He turned and looked the opposite direction.

"Time to go?" Asked Frisk.

"Time to go." Said Nemo. Frisk stood up and walked to him, once they were next to him they continued forward. Suddenly their souls appeared again. They saw another Froggit. "Not again." Said Nemo.

"Hop, hop." Said the Froggit. Suddenly a bunch of flies appeared.

"Get dodging!" Shouted Nemo as they moved to avoid the flies. While Frisk jumped backwards, Nemo ran forward and punched the Froggit, but it wasn't enough to put the creature down as a fly hit him in the shoulder, creating a sharp pain. Nemo grit his teeth as he slammed his fist down on the Froggit. It let out a groan as it turned to dust. With the Froggit gone their souls vanished once more. Nemo and Frisk looked down at the pile of dust that was once the Froggit. "Let's go."

"Ok." Said Frisk. They continued to the next room. Suddenly their phone began to ring. Frisk pulled the phone out and held it between them. "Hello?" They asked.

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