Chapter 1, Page 4

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Toriel stood before Nemo and Frisk inside the house. "Do you smell that? Surprise!" She said cheerfully. "It is butterscotch-cinnamon pie. I thought we should celebrate your arrival. I want you to have a nice time living here. So I will hold off on snail pie for tonight."

"Snail what?" Thought Nemo with a face of discomfort as he looked at Frisk, who simply shrugged.

"Here, I have another surprise for you." Said Toriel as she walked to the right and down a hall. Frisk and Nemo followed her. She waited for them in the hall and held out her hand. "This is it." Frisk smiled and took the hand and walked with her down the hall, Nemo close behind with his hands in his pockets. They stopped in front of the first door. "A room of your own, I'm afraid you will have to share, but I hope you will like it."

"Thanks." Said Nemo.

"I love it Ms. Toriel." Said Frisk happily.

"Please, just call me Toriel." Said Toriel as she pat Frisk's head. She then smelled the air and turned the way they'd come. "Is something burning...? Um, make yourself at home!" She then quickly walked away. Nemo watched her go, he then heard a clicking noise. He turned and saw Frisk push the door open. They then walked into the room, and Nemo followed suit. The room had red walls, the bed had red blankets, honestly, the entire room was red and white.

"Wow, too much red." Said Nemo drily. He looked over at Frisk. "You red-y for bed?" He did his best to restrain his smirk. Frisk sighed and shook their head while walking to the bed. "You can take the bed kiddo, I'll just sleep on the floor."

"Are you sure?" Asked Frisk with a concerned expression.

"Hey, don't worry about it." Said Nemo as he gave them a nonchalant wave. Frisk gave a small to him before climbing into the bed. Nemo watched them go under the covers before looking around the room. There was a box of cool toys, but he wasn't interested in them. There was a shelf with an empty, dusty photo frame, and a box of kids shoes of varied sizes. Nemo then turned to the lamp next to the box and turned the light off before putting his back against the wall and sitting down. He cast one last look at Frisk before shutting his eyes and accepting the warm embrace of the land of dreams.

Three days later

Nemo was lying on the roof of the house with both arms crossed behind his head as his foot rested on the knee of his opposite leg. His eyes were shut as he was lost in thought. "Nemo!" He heard a voice call, but he did not react to. There was a thumping sound as Frisk came onto the roof. "Nemo. Toriel told me to get you, it's time for dinner." They explained, but Nemo didn't react. And expression of worry crossed Frisk's face. "Nemo?"

"Hey Frisk, I have a question." Said Nemo without looking at them.

"What is it?" Asked the younger human.

"Do you remember your parents?" Asked Nemo.

"That's a silly question, of course I... do..." Said Frisk, but trailed off as their expression became that of concern. "Not..."

Nemo let out a huff, almost like one of amusement, but with another emotion that couldn't be described mixed in. "And it isn't just your parents is it? Tell me Frisk, can you remember one personal experience? Anything?" He asked as he sat up and looked at Frisk, the eyes of the younger human widening as they saw the tears welling in his eyes. "Because I can't, I don't know who I am or who I was, I can't even remember my own last name! I'm just Nemo now, and it hurts, and I don't know why because I don't know how many people I've forgotten or even if I had people to forget." Nemo's hand rose to his face and covered his eyes and pushed some of his hair back. Suddenly he felt arms wrap around him. Nemo lowered his hand to see Frisk hugging him.

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