☏ two ☏

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We drive into the parking lot of the stadium and already see the thousands of cars parked all around. You could hear the screaming coming from far away. We look for a parking space for what seems like hours, until we find one near the back entrance. We step out and look around for the entrance.

A group of girls come running to us screaming, "oh my god! Guys, the boys are parking over there and are coming out! They're going to say hi to fans! Hurry!" One girl shouted, barely saying her words clearly due to being way too excited. They ran off leaving Phoebe squealing.

"Delilah! We have to go! C'mon!" Phoebe screams jumping up and down.

"Ugh, fine," I pout. "We're going to miss part of 5SOS though."

"Let's just hurry up and go!" She starts running ahead of me. I catch up to her and we make it to a back entrance place with about 20 girls waiting impatiently. There were two black SUVs that were parked. The doors slowly opened and the boys starting walking out one by one.

I had admit when Niall stepped out, I did squeal a little. But my entire mood turned worse once he stepped out. Harry. Girls attempted to shove themselves against them, including Phoebe. When everyone finally got into a strait line, the boys quickly took selfies with the girls.

I didn't like this boy band, but at least I'm about to meet them.

When Zayn came to us, Phoebe was dying. It was like her god was right in front of her. He hugged her and took a selfie with her. Even though I didn't really want a selfie with him because I didn't care, I still took one.

But then, Harry comes to us. He took a selfie with Phoebe and came over to me.

"Hello love." He smiled.

"I don't want a selfie with you." I crossed my arms.

"Really?" He smirks. "Why's that."

"Because, you're a fake, and a womanizer, plus, you're simply ridiculous." I said promptly.

"Mhm, well, you can't really judge me if you don't know me now can you..." He looks me up and down.

"It's Delilah." I state.

"Well, always a pleasure to meet one of my fans. Goodbye, Delilah." He smiles and waves before all of them going through the entrance.

What the fuck just happened?

The girls start walking away with tears all over their faces and mascara smudged. Phoebe looked crazy. She was still sobbing.

"I-- just met Zayn Jawad Malik." She hiccups as tears run down her cheeks. I roll my eyes and we go back to the car and quickly fix her makeup. We get out afterwards and walk to the stadium. I can already hear the stadium going crazy over the sound of 5SOS playing what seems like Heartbreak Girl. I quietly squeal in excitement, and him the word to the song.

5SOS left and One Direction were already on. They were on some song Phoebe said was called Happily.

I had to admit, it was a pretty good song.

Being at least 5 feet away from Niall was cool. All during the song, the boys were dancing and walking around everywhere, waving to fans and such.

Harry came over to our section and waved to me and Phoebe. I flipped him off and only made him laugh. Phoebe started crying even more... If that was even possible at this point.

The concert was long, boring, and annoying. After the countless winks and waves Harry gave me, the concert was finally over. When the concert was over though, it was like the end of the apocalypse. Girls were crying, screaming, and they seem shocked because they just saw their favorite people in the entire world right before their eyes.

It even took Phoebe some time to get out of her seat. She refused to get off of her seat until I finally managed to convince her.

We got to the car and I took the keys to the car because I felt like driving this time.

I looked at the clock from the car and read it. 11:37 pm.

I parked in Phoebe's driveway and brought her inside her parents house. She was still too shocked about everything that just happened. I literally had to drag her up the stairs and to her room. I entered her room and placed her on her bed. I went around the room and laid down next to her.

"Delilah." Phoebe whispered, as we laid down in the dark, staring at the ceiling.

"Yeah, Phoebs?"

"You know, I can really feel that post concert depression kicking in right now." She sighs.

"Mhm." I simply answer back.

"And Delilah..." She asked once more.


"I saw Harry checking you out at the concert, it was cute. You know, you guys would make cute babies." Phoebe said, even though were in the dark, I could tell she was grinning to herself.

"Phoebe, shut up." I chuckled.

"Night, Lilah."

"Night, Phoebs."


How was chapter 2??¿

Btw... The girls are both in college... They're on a quick break and are staying with their families so don't get confused plz!!

I love you guys, stay cool af ;)


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