Passing down a heirloom

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I paced the outsides of the infirmary, unable to enter and fuss over Harry because he doesn't know who I am. He doesn't know who I am. Every time I think about it I have to force the tears back.

Only Lee was with me, the twins were called into the tent to talk about the game then change. Little did I know that Harry was awake and could hear everything I said.

"I can't take it Lee," I exclaimed. "Harry is sitting in there, a lamb to the slaughter, and I'm expected to do nothing about it?"

"Calm down Ro," Lee attempted to comfort me. "You know this is what your father would want. Wait and you can get your revenge. Plus, maybe after we give him the map he will trust us and you can get closer."

"I know," I sighed in defeat. "It's just so tempting to barge in there and tell him who am. Who my real parents are."

Lee put his arm around my shoulders and guided me away from the infirmary. "It's gonna be okay, we'll keep him safe."

"But what if we can't?" I questioned.

"We'll find a way, I promise," he looked at me with a smile. "If you worry so much then you'll never be able to find me a girlfriend and you and George will never get together."

"I already told you," I said to him with a small laugh. "I don't have a crush on George."

"You may be able to lie to yourself, but you'll never be able to lie to me," Lee slightly shoved me.

I shoved him back harder, causing him to trip me. When the twins found us I was smacking him in the head with a book and Lee was laying on top of me so that I could not get up. When we heard footsteps we immediately got up and pretended to be innocent in the case of a teacher.

"Oh, it's only you two," I said brushing myself off and getting in one more hit with my book.

"Ladies, ladies break it up," George smirked.

"You're both ugly," Fred finished for him.

"Oh, wow," Lee mocked him. "You two are so funny. No wonder why you are the school's favorite pranking duo. Oh, wait. That's me and Ro here."

We fist bumped and Lee tried to put his arm over my shoulders only for me to I push it off, earning a small pout from him. I heard him mumble You would have let George do it, causing me to hit him hard in the stomach.

He doubled over in pain while I triumphantly smirked, "What are you waiting for? Let's go."


After one of Uncle Moon's classes I entered the room, not noticing Harry as I sat down on Rem's desk with an over dramatic huff.

"Classes were killer tod-" I cut myself off when I noticed the other presence in the room and was met with the sight of an alarmed brother and laughing Lupin. "Bad time?"

"A little bit," Uncle Rem chuckles out. "I assume you know my niece from the twins Harry."

"Yeah, I've seen her before," Harry looks me over uneasily. Oh great, I've never held a conversation with my brother and he already doesn't trust me.

"We were just talking about the dementors," Moony said while looking at me with sympathy when I tensed up. "They effect her in the same way they do you, Harry. Bad memories."

"I thought I was the only one," Harry looked at me with hope.

"You're a lot less alone as you think," I said to him with a smile.

"I don't pretend to be an expert at fighting dementors Harry... quite the contrary," Rem said to him.

"But if the dementors come to another Quidditch match, I need to be able to fight them," Harry begged.

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