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3d POV

Hop and (y/n) were chasing after one another, keeping clear of strong Pokémon. Both saying hi to other trainers. The trainers found themselves in a clearing with Pokémon flying above, very low level Pokémon far away playing. "Hop, do you want to set up camp?" (Y/n) asked turning to Hop, "Sure mate."

Both trainers set up their tents with some difficulty, mostly Hop, and get the pot set up for curry. "Hey Hop? Can you start the fire for the curry?" (Y/n) asks hop while focusing on cutting the berries and not their hand. "Sure thing mate, Scorbunny use ember on the wood." Hop's Scorbunny started the fire letting (y/n) put in the cut berries into the curry adding an apple they picked up and stir. Hop keeps the flame alive fanning when needed.

(Y/n) POV

The curry finished and I got my Sobble and Yamper food while Hop was getting his food, along with his Pokémon's food. I heard light foot steps but they were not from a person, assuming it was a Pokémon I kept an eye out.

Hop finished his food and went to get seconds and I started to clean up my and Hops Pokémon's bowls, I did eat so I cleaned mine aswell, I turn to get the next dish to see a Pokémon standing around 3-5 feet away from Hop.

My instincts kicked in, I ran and tackled Hop out of the way tripping on a rock, now we were rolling down a hill. Our Pokémon followed trying to catch up to us rolling. Next thing I know is I'm against a tree, in pain, "Mate are you ok?!" Hop asked my laying me against the tree sitting up. All I can respond with is a groan of pain, punching the ground. "Can you guys make sure the camp is ok, I'll take (y/n) back?" Hop questions the Pokémon everyone but Sobble and Scorbunny go.

"Hop?" I ask opening my eyes slightly so I can see him.
"(Y/n)?" Hop looked at me ready for a question.
"The one and only. Are you ok? I mean I'm not in best shape but I should be fine." I start to stand up but get pushed down by Hop.
"Should be fine, you just rolled down a hill and slammed into a tree I'm carrying you!" Hop goes to pick you up and does, bridle style, careful of your back.

"Hop I can walk," I tell him trying to get him to put me down but to no luck a light blush could have been seen. "I'm not putting you down till we're back, (y/n) I don't want you to get hurt." Hop replies.

| back at camp |

Our camp was left untouched but the curry was gone, I assumed the Pokémon wanted the curry. "(Y/n) thank you, for saving me from being flinched or hugged by that Beware" Hop says smiling. I'm happy to see him smile. "Your welcome Hop, I guess my instincts kicked in." Both me and Hop went into our tents and tried to sleep I didn't till late but Hop fell asleep.

Snowy here
I may go a bit off story but yeah
See you next chapter :0
Word count: 550

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