Allister who?

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3d POV

It was midnight almost 1 am, (y/n) was still awake. They sighed stepping out of their shared tent. "Man it got cold out here." They held their arms around their chest walking into town.

It was quiet, a nice quiet. Nobody was up minus the trainer, an a few Pokémon around. The trainer wandered around, soon leaving town. As the night went on more ghost types came around, and more as the human walked to a grave yard.

"I must have gone far to be here?" They asked to nobody in particular. Little did they know a boy was watching them. They sat on one of the rocks reading the grave stones. Haunters flew around (y/n), examining them. "Oh! Hi?" They faced the Pokémon, seeing 3. The Haunters cried out, dancing around.

"You seem like an energetic bunch." They watched them dance around, smiling. (Y/n) yawned, making the Haunters stop. "S-Sorry! I should go back. That was a great show you put on." They stood up only to be stopped by the Haunters. "Hey let go." The trainer asked but the Pokémon didn't let go. "I asked to let go. I need to head back." (Y/n) fumbled out of their grasp reaching for their pokeball but none were there. "God I left them in the tent.."

The Haunters smiled wickedly as they continued to dance around. (Y/n) saw an opening and ran. The Haunters noticed and chased after them.

(Y/n) POV

I just wanted to go back. I kept running, tripping on a broken grave. "Oof.." I landed on a smaller boy. I quickly got up, pulling him up with me. "I'm sorry about that." I said. He wore a mask with holes for eyes, a baggy purple sweatshirt. "I-it's ok.." he said. His voice was higher than I thought.

"That's good." I smiled. Soon the Haunters came back, laughing. "Gah, why did you follow me.." I sighed, seeing the boy unfazed by them. "Your not scared?" I asked as they came closer. "No not really, they are my friends.."

I was confused before I saw them spin around him. "Thank you for the welcome.." I couldn't tell what he was doing but the ghost types didn't mind him. "They your friends?" I smiled slightly. He nodded as the Pokémon soon floated away.

"Oh my god I'm sorry. I didn't tell you my name, I'm (y/n)." I held my hand out. He took it caustically. " 'm Allister..." he was very quiet.
"Like the gym leader? Wait your him right?" I asked a bit happy I get to meet him. "I am...don't tell Bea.." he seemed to be afraid to talk with her. "I won't, why are you out here though, it's almost day?" I asked, he sat down on a rock leaving me standing. "Could ask you the same.." he wasn't wrong for saying that.

"Long story, I think we should head back though, I bet Bea would have your head if she finds you gone." I chuckle hearing him walk away. I sighed walking back to the tent, luckily Hop wasn't up. I sat in my spot changed.


What is this chapter? I don't know.

Word count: 541

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