City of snow with quick gym

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(Y/n) POV

I held onto the blue and black dragon type, who used to belong to a gurl named Bee. "Yeah I think Deino would be happy with you, you can say if a gift from me." She smiled, her Vespiquen floated behind her after Hop kept looking at it.

"Aww thank you then, I appreciate it very much." I said, having her laugh a tiny bit. "Nothing big at all. I should get going, where are you two going?" Hop answered for the two of us. "We're heading to Circhester, what about you?" "Woah same!" She replied, smiling. "We should go together then." Hop suggested, both of us nodding.

~in Circhester~

"Wow it's covered in snow!" I said, touching the cold white powder, shivering at how cold it got. "Welcome to Circhester, my home!" Bee said, shocking both me and Hop. "Really? I thought you'd be from Spikemuth." Hop said, gaining a laugh from Bee. "Many say that, doesn't help that I dress like it. I used to live in Univa for a bit, I got my style per say from Roxie, a gym leader." She explained smiling very proudly.

3d POV

"Wow that's so cool! Right Hop?" (Y/n) looked so happy in that moment that Hop didn't know what to say, so he nodded his head. "Well, I'd say you two do they gym, I'm gonna say hello to my family." "Have fun!"

Bee left the two, leaving them to walk to the gym. "Let's go Hop!" (Y/n) grabbed his hand bringing them to the gym. "Hey let me go first ok?" Hop said, walking in before their friend. "Hop!"

~after gym attempt~

"Geese Hop, you really need to slow down. It was like you tried speed running the gym." (Dream-) "My bad but hey it gave you a good idea of what the gym is gonna be like. Think of the positives!" Hop cheered, smiling after he lost.

"Let me guess, my turn because there's no way in Arceus that I'm letting you try again before I go." (Y/n) said, walking into the gym. "Good luck, I'll be watching."

~after your win~

"Ha I won before you, even if I mildly suck at battling." (Y/n) said, being shockingly modest. "Yes you did, very much." Hop replied, happy for (Y/n). "Hey it's almost dark, why not head to the hotel, I heard they had super soft beds and then you can try the gym in the morning." (Y/n) suggested, Hop agreed.

Both spent the night in the hotel, a room with 2 beds. "God it feels nice to be in a comfy bed.." (Y/n) said, jumping on the bed. "I bet it is." Hip said, yawning after. "Let's get to sleep, then the gym, for you, tomorrow." (Y/n) said, leaving the two to sleep.

Ha 12:03 am, fun.

I am tired so I am happy for auto correct.yeeeeeeer

Word count: 494

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