I Found It in the Mud

312 14 0

My brow was wet 
with sweat from the game, 
and my legs were bricks 
Trudging across the field,
But I found it while staring 
At the ground.

A tiny plastic bead
From a bracelet? 
Like friendship.

I recall stringing pieces together,
How important it was 
To make a pattern, give meaning
To something meaningless.

I've swallowed beads, 
Stuck them in my nose,
Lost them between the cushions,
But told myself it had to happen,
They weren't the right ones.

My craft, my creation,
To see it tied around your wrist
Held us together like the knot 
In the string, and I smiled
When you gave one to me.


You lost yours
and again 
and again
and again.

But still I made more,
Until all the beads were used,
Or lost. They were all gone,
But not before the knot was undone.
I just didn't know it yet

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