Chapter One: The Attack

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Itachi stood in front of me, he put one hand behind his back and smiled at me. "Ready?" He asked.

I smiled and nodded, getting into a stance. "Ready!"

"Hey, (Y/N), I'm gone now. The preliminaries of the exams are going to start." Kakashi said, sticking his head into my room, where I was reading a book on my bed.

"Oh really? Are you going to come back?" I asked.

"Do you want me to come back?"

I felt my cheeks get slightly warm.

"I uh... Just do whatever you want! I'll see you whenever I do. Tell Sasuke and Naruto I said good luck." I said.

"Uncle Sasuke! And, cousin Naruto?!" Inamake yelled, running over to my room.

"What's happening, Kakashi?!" Inamake asked.

"Well, as you know about the Chūnin Exams, that there are three stages. But, we have preliminaries, when there are too many genins that passed the second stage. So, to narrow it down they have one v ones. And, we have to prepare for those now. And, your uncle and cousin have made it into the preliminaries. And, there's going to be a random selection on whose fighting, so this will be... Interesting for both of them, also Sakura." Kakashi explained.

I nodded and looked at Inamake, he looked interested and excited.

"That is so cool! And Naruto and Sasuke are going to be in it?!" He asked, excited.

Kakashi nodded.

"Ah! I want to see it! CAN I GO, MOMMY!?" He asked. "PLEASE!" He begged.

"Uh... Inamake, I don't know, if you should go." I told him.

"Please! Kakashi! Tell mommy that it's okay! There's nothing to worry about!" He begged.

Kakashi chuckles. "It will be fine, you have to stop being such a worrying mom. Chunin exams aren't that bad, and people in the audience won't be affected in any way. Don't you remember the chunin exams for when you were younger?" He asked and looked at me.

I smiled and nodded. "Of course..." I muttered.

"Huh? You were in the chunin exams?" Inamake asked, and tilted his head.

"Yes. I went against these guys from another village." I told him.

"And? Did you win?" He asked he was curious.

"Yes, the first round was easy, but when it came to the last round, it was sorta difficult. The guy was determined not to lose, and I felt like I was very close to losing but..." I trailed off.


I panted as I stared at my opponent, we were both pretty bruised up. He glared at me. "Just give up already." He said. "There's no point in dragging this on."

"I..." I trailed off, I didn't know what to say. I don't want to give up, but I feel like if I keep going I'll pass out, bruised, and exhausted. The crowd was cheering for the other guy, he looked proud, even though he looked as damaged as me. He's strong, I guess he has a right to be proud.


I turned my head and saw Itachi, in the very front row. He was looking at me with a smile. "Itachi..." I muttered.

"Even though no one is cheering for you, I'm cheering for you. I know you can do it." He said. "Show those people, everyone, that didn't and don't believe in you, what you can do. Cause, I have seen what you can do. Show them, show them, (Y/N). Show them the girl that I love can do."

The Love Of My Life {Itachi Uchiha x Reader}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon