Chapter 7

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Authors note: I really appreciate all of the love! Criticism is always welcome. Just keep in mind what is good criticism and what is an opinion. Thanks everyone!
Josh/Maya/Matthew's family

Josh's POV:

It's been awhile since my dream of Maya, but it never leaves my mind. Looking at the emptiness of my room, I start to create a plan. How will I tell her? What if she doesn't love me? So many questions.

I've never dealt with such intense and confusing emotion. Everything has always seemed easy for me, even choosing the college I wanted to go to.
I think the root of this problem is that I base my life on others around me. It's not a co-dependency issue, it's just because I want to be close to the people I care about.

There's no doubt in my mind that I care for Maya in a way that I've never felt before, but the confusion lies in me not knowing if she feels the same. This is why I must come up with a fool-proof plan. This way I'm prepared for every answer that I could be given.

Maya is very laidback on the surface, but I see through that. I've always been able to see more in her. I could see the emotion bottled up inside her, waiting to explode. I could see the smallest glimmer of hurt in her eye when she sees a young girl and her father on the street. I see how beautiful she is inside and out. Now I simply need to express that in a way that doesn't seem creepy.

I leave for Corey's in about an hour. Right now I need to let my thoughts travel to making sure I have everything I need. Staying with Corey for spring break is going to be the best.

The taxi arrived sooner than expected, but I was ready to go awhile ago. I feel like such a little kid for being excited, but I can't help it. Being with Corey, Topanga, Riley, little Auggie and Maya is always amazing.

Picking up my bags I slide into the back seat of the taxi, filled with nothing but excitement to arrive at my destination.

(Sometime around 8 pm)
I rush out of the cab, and almost get his by a car in the process, but nothing matters to me more right now than getting to Corey's place. I speed to the apartment lobby. "Elevator our of order".... of course it is. I turn towards the side door where the stairs are located and begin the climb.

Here I am. Nothing left to do except knock. Wait... what if she's in there. What do I do? Do I look ok? My breath is probably awful, ugh, where's my gum?

"You look as hot as usual Boing, I'm sure your girl will think the same. Nice to see you by the way, can we like... go inside now?"

"Uhhh, I said all of that out loud didn't I. Great, well um, it's amazing to see you Maya, you get more beautiful every day. And for your information... I don't have a girl. Let's go see the others." She blushes before bursting inside in her usual 'oh honey I'm home' manor.

I'm so fucking stupid. Only I would do something so stupid. What happened to cool Josh? Idiot.

I walk in the room a few seconds after the see everyone I love standing in the main room.

"Uncle Josh!!!" I look over to see Auggie and Riley bolting toward me. I'm bombarded in a ginormous group hug.

After a few seconds we all let go and I look toward Corey and Topanga. "My brotha" I say approaching Corey. "My brotha" Corey says before giving me a hug. Topanga then comes up to us and joins in the group hug, followed in suit by the kids, and then... Maya.

"I'm so happy to see everyone. Let me go unpack and rest and I'll be out tomorrow to catch up with everyone!" I turn to walk towards the guest room when I hear a soft voice say
"I'd love to join you"

"Maya did you say something?" I asked and she coughs and brushes off my comment. I get to the guest room and let out my excitement. YES! She definitely has some sort of feeling toward me. I just have to figure out exactly what that is. There's hope!

The happiness I felt in my dream had returned, only this time I know I'm here. The only question I have now, is how do I show her how much she means to me? Maybe some sleep will help me figure it out.

I close my eyes and begin to drift off into a peaceful sleep, filled with nothing but thoughts of Maya.

Authors note:
Hi everyone! Make sure to leave suggestions in the comments! I love you all💞💞.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2020 ⏰

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