part 1

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all the girls are in high school. It's their spring year as juniors but it's Friday's and they hear news, they never thought they would hear till the weekend!

PRINCIPAL MAXWELL: (loudspeakers) students as y'all have heard, the corona virus is going around and as we went for your safety. so we will not be having school for the next two weeks till Further Notice. thank you and enjoy your weeks. oh and also if y'all didn't know but online classes will be starting. (The classrooms makes annoying sounds) see y'all later!

Dinah: corona virus!??!!

Lauren: how the hell it wasn't like this when there was Ebola or the other one?

Dinah: so wait miss?!! we can't leave our houses??

teacher: sometimes Dinah not all the time. you'll need to get food before it all goes out ok

Dinah: ok. lauren!

Lauren: what? why you look like that?

Dinah: he said 2 WEEEKS. do you not know what can happen?

Lauren: umm no. Dinah calm down all of us will still be best friends

Dinah: I know that but I'll miss my baby. I know I can ft her but that's going to get annoying

Lauren: oh shut up and get your self ready for first period so we can meet the rest by your locker

Dinah: okayy

On the other side

Ally: virus will keeps us away from each other

Camila: at least I don't have to see lauren

Ally: hey, y'all both ain't going home without talking about everything. Right mani!?

Normani: she's right mila, you and her been through a lot since last summer and y'all don't need it again since we have social distance now

Camila: but like I know and understand. she has yet to apologize to me but has the nerve to look at me

Normani: it be like that but we all best friends at the end of the day

Ally: periodtt

Camila: not even going to argue with that

Normani: haha thank you

teacher: guys start getting ready the bell is going to ring in a few minutes

Ally: we gotta meet them by dinah's locker?

Normani: yup

Bell rings

Camila: come on guys

Ally and normani: coming

everyone leaves their home room and goes to meet at Dinah's locker.

Hey guys I know it's been a while but I wanted to come back since this corona virus is happening and I know y'all haven't gotten a story from me since last year so I wrote this one but it's a mixer. Its like my last one. meaning I'll talk about different things.
enjoy this new fiction! 😏

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