Part 5

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Two days has went by since lauren was in the hospital. Now she's currently in the car with her mom going back home but the thing is that she has yet to tell her mom that camila; while her girlfriend is pregnant, knowing that her mom always told her to worry about her school work first, she's will be worry that her mom might be disappointed in her. Since the ride back home was a little long she decide to text camila and then the group chat that she's going home.

lauren: hey

camzz: hii, you free from the hospital?

lauren: yes, im very happy to go home. next time i'll be careful on were I hit my head

camzz: lol yes you should.

lauren: can you come by my house so we can talk?

camzz: sure, but I have to go to a doctors appointment for the baby right now

lauren: I wish I can go

camzz: me too, does your mom know yet?

lauren: no I don't wanna tell her yet knowing how she's going to react

camzz: while you know soon I'll start to show and you'll have to tell her the baby is yours

lauren: yes I know that but text the gc

camzz: alright but i'll come by your house later

lauren: okay.


lauren: heyy im out

Dinah: locked up, they wouldn't let me out


Dinah: it wasn't that funny babe

normani: yes it was, let me have my shine

Dinah: anyways laurennnn

Normani: fuck you DJ

Dinah: no can do sweetie

lauren: yesss

Dinah: how's the new baby 👀?

lauren: how's my foot up your ass?

Dinah: um sir, don't be rudeeee

Lauren: don't try me rn, I still have a little headache

Dinah: ooop sorry ma'am

Ally: lauren did the doctor give you prescription?

Lauren: yes, omw to CVS rn to get it

Ally: okay good

Dinah: wait so you can answer ally question but not mine

Lauren: fine. what was your question??

Dinah: "how's the new baby"

Lauren: Dinah I was in the hospital for the past 2 days, do you think I'll be able to see the baby?

Normani: isn't mila like 2 months prego?

Ally: yeah I think so, like you wouldn't really be able to see it yet

Dinah: well I don't know. holdonnn so y'all was together a few months ago???!!

Normani: frrr^

Ally: ^^🤦🏽‍♀️

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