Another.. Loop? pt.2

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I wake up to Papyrus shaking me with a worried expression on his face. "H-Huh? Pap- stop shaking me.." I yawn as Papyrus lets go of me and rub my eyes trying to make my eyesight better. "(R/N), I THOUGHT-" I hiss at him "Be a bit more quiet please.." as I blink a few times and look at Papyrus. "Oh.. Sorry (R/n).. I was just wanting to ask you something.." I look over to Papyrus and blink at him with a "hum?" as Papyrus tries to speak I get up and ask "Oh, right, where's Sans..? Is he still asleep?" Papyrus waves his arms in the air as he says "I DON'T KNOW!! I WENT TO WAKE HIM UP AND-" "Shush!!" "Oh, right.. And found that Sans was nowhere in  house.. So I went to ask you, but you're asking the same question!" My eyes widen a bit as I stare Papyrus directly in the sockets "Sans isn't in the house? Have you looked outside at all?" Papyrus grabbed me by the arm and dragged me to the door while opening it. All I saw was mostly white. "Uh..-" "THERE IS A BLIZZARD RIGHT NOW AND IT'S GOING TO LAST A WHILE.. I'M WORRIED THAT SANS MIGHT BE OUT THERE.. HE COULD FREEZE TO DEATH IF HE'S NOT WEARING THE RIGHT CLOTHING.." Papyrus looked out into the wight mess with a worried face. Some snow starts getting in and he shuts the door. "Then we go look for him, right?" Papyrus looks at me quickly with his face turning to pure worry "WON'T YOU GET COLD TOO!? NO OFFENCE BUT YOU HUMANS FREEZE FASTER THEN US SKELETONS! AND WHAT IF WE LOSE EACH OTHER OUT THERE!? OR YOU MI-" I cut him off as I run into my room "None of that will happen, cause i've got a plan! Sorta.." Papyrus follows me to my room and I start explaining my wonderful but somewhat dangerously stupid plan.

{~Leh Time Skip O' Laziness~}

I step out of my room with snow gear on and a rope in my hand. "Ready to go Pap?" Papyrus walks out of his room with snow gear on too but not as much as me, "YEAH!" he yells while full of excitement. I give him the rope as we walk to the door, he ties it around my waist and the other side to his hand. He gives me a thumbs up to tell me we're good to go. I slowly walk outside as Papyrus holds to the rope tighter, "DON'T FORGET TO TURN ON YOUR RADIO!" Papyrus says to me as I turn it on, "Rodger, Dodger. Oh, and don't let go of the rope. No pressure!" I say to him through the Radio as I slowly become engulfed in wight.
Sans pov.
I woke up in my room covered by my blanket. I sit up and look around, 'how did i get here..?' I ask myself as I exit my bed. I fix my jacket and slip into my slip..pers.. 'where's my other slipper? wait.. where's (r/n)?' I thought as I leave my room and look to the living room witch was messy from last night, 'no (r/n).. or papyrus..' I mentally say to myself as I walk closer to the couch. I 'fix' the mess I made and find my slipper, I put it on. When I finish I look around the house to try and find (r/n) or even Papyrus, I find (r/n) in their room asleep, 'hehe.. cu-uh.. never mind.' I rub the back of my skull and walk out of the room while questioning why I thought that, 'weird..' I look at the time '12:36? dang.. how long have i been asleep for?' I check Pap's room just in case but I can't find him, 'he might still be at Undyne's.. figure that I should go to Grillby's to eat some food while I wait for him.' I snap my boney fingers and close my sockets, when I open them I find myself at Grillby's. "heya grillbz." I greeted to Grillby as I sat on the chair I usually sit at. Grillby just glared at me as his flames grew a bit more intense, "sorry grillby, forgot you still hate that.. you don't gotta get so fired up about it though, hehe.." Grillby sighed as he cleaned a glass. "i'll get the usual.." Grillby stopped cleaning the glass and walked to the door that leads to the kitchen, or a closet, or just a room..? I was never sure what that door lead to.. Grillby came out with some french fries, a burger, and a delicious bottle o' ketchup. "heh, thanks grillbz." Grillby glared at me until I corrected the name to his real name. He started to clean a different glass as I ate my food I mostly ate everything except some fries, Grillby took the rest away and I got off my seat and headed for the door while saying "goodbye, grillbz." I try to open the doors, but.. "they're stuck?" everyone looked at me as I tried to open the doors but to no avail. A few minutes later everyone has tried to open the doors but they seem to be really stuck.. Grillby walked over and tried to open them too. "Frozen shut.." Grillby said bluntly. Everyone started to whisper and chat with each other about what is happening. "oh! now i remember! today was one of the days that the blizzards would happen for a while!" I snapped my boney fingers and was proud of myself for figuring it out. Every one stared at me and I blushed a bit but not enough to be seen. Mostly everyone groaned and whined about this except for me and Grillbz. After a bit of chatting, I was somehow convinced to help everyone teleport back home.. So I did.. I was very tired by the time it was Grillby's turn to go home. He asked if it was ok for me ta teleport again and I said that I'd be fine, I lied, I'd probably faint from exhaustion before I could even get my the front door open. So I said "you are the last one anyway so it shouldn't be a big deal.." Grillby looked at me as I give him a warm smile, heheh "Ok.. Fine.." he finally agreed. I teleport us to his home and everything started to get fuzzy, guess my estimation on how tired I am is wrong.. "oh shi-" I cursed quietly as everything went black.
Papyrus pov:
I got home at around 1:00 and opened the door to an empty house that was surprisingly clean. I decided to look for Sans so we can talk about the surprise we have for (R/n), I opened his room and called his name to find an empty bed, 'What?'. I was confused and looked around the house, then I went into (R/n's) room to see them asleep but no Sans.. 'Where is he..?' I went to go see if he was at Grillby's but was stoped by, "WIGHT?" I asked out loud "WHY IS IT SO WIGHT?" I thought for a second then gasped dramatically like Mettaton taught me, I remembered that Sans said there was going to be a blizzard today. I yell at the blizzard in annoyance "BUT WHY NOW!? CAN'T YOU WAIT BLIZZARD? I NEED TO GET TO MY BROTHER, SANS!" then I run to (R/n's) room to wake them and tell them about the blizzard. After telling/showing them the blizzard they went to their room, I followed them. They told me this wonderful plan that they had to go find Sans. I got ready and we put the plan into action.
No one's pov.
Imma guess what's in Grillby's home since I've never seen it.
"Thank you Sa-"Grillby felt Sans go limp after they appeared in his home. Grillby sighed as he set Sans on a chair then walked away to the kitchen he picked up the phone. He dials a number and waits. Papyrus jumps as his phone rings, "Who's calling you? And at this time.." (R/n) asks as Papyrus struggles to get his phone out. Papyrus answers the phone and puts it to his non existent ear as (R/n) drinks some hot cocoa. "H-HELLO? WHO IS CALLING?" Papyrus relaxes a bit when he hears Grillby on the other side, "It's Grillby.. I need to talk with you.." Papyrus walks out into the living room to continue the conversation. (R/n) hears a bit of the conversation, due to Papyrus speaking so loud, they now know that it was about Sans but that's about it. "OH WELL THANK YOU FOR TAKING CARE OF HIM! I WILL COLLECT HIM IN THE MORNING!" Papyrus ends the call as he walks back into the kitchen. "What was that about, Sans?" (R/n) asks as Papyrus sits down and drinks some of the hot cocoa he made, "YES ACTUALLY! SANS IS AT GRILLBY'S PLACE, HE WILL BE THERE FOR THE WHOLE NIGHT, AND IN THE MORNING I WILL GO GET HIM!" Papyrus answers happily as he sets down his mug. (R/n) giggles a bit, "WHY ARE YOU GIGGLING?" Papyrus asks "You have a mustache!" (R/n) answers as they drink the rest of their cocoa. Papyrus wipes his face off with his hand as (R/n) sets their drink down. Papyrus points to their face "NOW YOU HAVE SOME ON YOUR FACE TOO!" (R/n) wipes their face and grabs the mugs, they head over to the sink and wash the mugs out. After they wash the mugs they dry them then place them in the cupboard with a single cup surrounded by even more mugs. 'I thought there were supposed to be only one mug.. Huh.. Maybe they got more..' they get down and head back to Papyrus. "YOU SHOULD BE GOING TO BED, IT'S LATE. I SHALL CLEAN UP THE REST OF THE HOUSE AS YOU SLEEP THEN GO TO BED AFTERWARDS." (R/n) tries to disagree due to them not being tired but somehow finds themselves in their bed as Papyrus hums a tune while he cleans. Grillby drags Sans to his room and sets up a sleeping bag for Sans to sleep in, Grillby pats Sans' head with a sigh and covers him up. Grillby then walks to his bed and goes to sleep. Papyrus finishes cleaning but falls asleep on the couch.
1795 words! More than last time! I guess these will be long..? Sorry if you dislike reading.. If some stuff don't make sense then please tell me.

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