Another loop..? Pt.4

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Reader's pov.
I make my way to the Forest to make sure i'm not being seen. While I enter it becomes dark, I flip on my flashlight as I keep walking. I talk to myself as I walk "Ok, now if I can remember.. I keep going strait 'till I end up at a sign that's broken and then go diagonal from there.." I do exactly that and end up in Waterfall, I walk into a small hidden cave and end up in Hotlands. I see that Alphys is waiting for me where she said she'd be, I yell to her as I wave, my free hand grabs a mask and I put it on my face. I make my way over to Alphys as she opens the door to the lab. "Y-You're late again."
She says to me as we walk in, "I know, I know. I was caught up in a situation with Frisk and had to enter through the shortcuts so they wouldn't see me.." I reply as we go past her working space and into the True Lab. We end up in a room with the Amalgamates and sit on chairs. I ask "So what are we doing today..? More tests? Just talking, like last time?" Alphys fixes her glasses and takes out a File, it seems to be covered in a black substance along with being a bit burnt and torn. We all stare at the File for a bit in silence, suddenly, Alphys says "O-Ok, so th-th-this File was found th-three days a-ago, I-I found it in my d-desk when I w-was looking for s-s-some other things. D-Does this F-F-File look familiar t-to any of y-you?" The Amalgamates and I look at each other, I shrug as they all shake their heads at Alphys. "D-Darn.." is all Alphys says before she fixes her glasses again. I look at the File and ask "Hey, have you tried opening it? What if we recognise something in it?" Alphys sighs "I-I've tried m-m-many times but i-it was no use.. It's co-completely stuck, I even t-torn it while trying to g-get the File open." I give a frustrated face as the Amalgamates talk to each other. One of them speak up and talk about a way of getting the substance off but it would take a while, due to the stuff being completely hardened in between the File's pages. Alphys thanks the Amalgamate and puts the File in a room for later. We all talk and do a few tests to make sure the Amalgamates can still move correctly, along with being stable enough to be at home with family. After Alphys and I finish with the task I head back home while saying my goodbyes to Alphys and the last two Amalgamates, the one that is going to Fix up the File and one that still needs to be checked. I take the River Person's boat to Snowdin and walk back home, but while I walk someone runs into me, I hold my mask tightly as I fall to the ice covered ground with a thud. The ice under me cracks a bit as I fall, I hear two people run over to us, one helps me up. "are you ok? here let me help you up.." I fixed my hood as they helped me up. I quickly say to them "Thank you, goodbye." as I turn around and walk away quickly to get away. I get stopped by them as they look at me, 'Wait.. Sans? Why is he here?' I say to myself as he looks at me. "(r/n) you should walk away quickly.. actually, come 'ere, i'll teleport you home before the kiddo notices you." Sans says as Papyrus helps Frisk up. Sans teleports us to the house then teleports away. I sigh and take off my mask, I cover my chin as it bleeds and walk into the bathroom to fix the damage. 'That could've gone much better.. But at least I wasn't caught.'
Sans pov.
They are at the last Puzzle already.
After Frisk and Pap were done messing with some of the puzzles we decided to go to Undyne's, or at least were going.. Now we're at one of the ice puzzles that Frisk just had to mess around on.. I leaned against a nearby tree as I looked out for this "hooded figure" that might just be (R/n) coming and going from Hotlands. I think of what to do if I saw them near here, if Frisk saw th- "what was that sound?" I ask as I turn to where the loud sound came from and saw Pap running to Frisk. I notice a hooded person on the ground with a few drops of blood dripping from under their hood and run up to them. "are you ok..? here let me help you.." I ask them as I pull them up from the ground, as i do so they try hiding their face from me as I ask questions, I realise they are walking off as I let go of them to ask questions. "hey! you need help! don't just- *sigh*" I teleport in front of them and tightly grip their shoulders, I inspect their face for any bad damage. 'Wait.. (R/n)? Shit.. you're bleeding so much. Uh.. Wait I got an idea.' (R/n) held their mask where it was obviously broken beyond repair untill they noticed my face. "(r/n) you should walk away quickly.. actually, come 'ere, i'll teleport you home before the kiddo notices you." I notice Pap helping Frisk up and I grab (R/n), we teleport into the house before they could say anything else i teleport back and sit on the ground with an "oof-" Frisk and Pap walk over to me and help me up. Frisk signs to me "Where did they go?" I looked in a direction and said "they just pushed me as i helped them up.. they did say that you tho." Frisk looked at the direction I was looking and frowns. They look over to Pap and sign "They were the hooded person I saw.. Where do you think they were going?" I look at Papyrus and shrug as he turns to me with a pleading face. Pap turns back to Frisk and says "WELL, I DON'T KNOW.. SORRY.." Frisk frowns more and almost sits in the snow, I make them blue and set them on Papyrus' shoulders, I smile more and say "well, instead of being blue about it, we could go look for them." Papyrus groans and places a hand on his face as the other holds Frisk in place as they laugh. After Papyrus stops judging me with a disappointed face he says "SANS THAT WAS HORRIBLE.. BUT AT LEAST YOU SAID SOMETHING HELPFUL TO FINDING THIS HOODED STRANGER. SHALL WE GO AND LOOK FOR THEM SMALL HU- UH, SORRY, FRISK." The kid stops laughing and nods. The two start walking untill I say "well, while you two go and look for them over there i'll stay here in case they come back here." I smile lazily at them as the both of them look back with a not-so-impressed face "SANS IS THAT AN EXCUSE TO FALL ASLEEP?" "no, bro, it's not. i'll look for 'em, ok? i mean what if they do come back here? who will catch them?" Papyrus and Frisk look at each other and Frisk nods. "OK BROTHER! I AM TRUSTING YOU NOT TO FALL ASLEEP! BUT JUST IN CASE I WILL ASK UNDYNE TO TELL THE DOGS TO KEEP A LOOK OUT! I MAY POSSIBLY ASK HER TO KEEP A LOOK OUT TOO IN WATERFALL. GOODBYE BROTHER, WE SHALL BE BACK IN THREE HOURS OR SO." "Also when we get tired or when I have to go home!" Frisk signs as they walk away. "ok, bye! don't get into trouble..!" I yell to them as I wave them goodbye. 'And now to go check on (R/n).. Hope they're ok..' I teleport home and look around. I see that their mask is in the trash and some of their clothes are in the wash. I go to the stairs to look for them and step in something 'What the-' I lift my foot to see blood "HOLY FUCKING SHIT." I say as I realise there are more small puddles of blood leading to the bathroom. "(r/n) you better not be fucking dead in there.. why is there so much blood..? i'm guessing it's a deep wound.. geeze i totally underestimated how much blood can be bled from a living being.." I hold my hand over my mouth as I try to avoid the blood, soon I make my way to the bathroom and open the door, I immediately see (R/n) holding a rag against the wound as it drips blood into the sink. "Sup?" they say as I stare at the mess they made and back at them. "ya know you're going to clean this up, right?"
I say to them as I walk over to the cabinet and get out the first aid kit. I point to the tub as (R/n) says "yeah.." they sit down against the tub as I neal down and tend to their wound. I ask questions to start a conversation, hopefully making it less awkward in the room. After a bit of talking I start not paying attention, I mess up, stabbing myself with the needle "fuck, ow!" "Should've payed more attention you bonehead." they taunt me as I put my finger in my mouth and laugh sarcastically "yeah, yeah, funny.. now stay still, ok? i still have to get this done.." I go back to stitching their face once the pain stopped.
If decided to be a Skeleton then he just made it stop bleeding and patched it up. The bones will heal back together soon.
Reader pov.
Ps: won't take long.
After Sans finishes with the stitching(unless skeleton), he covers my wound up. "Thank you." I say to him as I kiss his forehead. I realise what i just did and apologize quickly while having a deep (color) blush. I hide behind my knees and hands untill I realise he's also blushing, but it's blue. His whole face is covered in blue.. 'Pfft- he looks like-' I start to laugh at the blushing skeleton.
Sans pov.
Last one.
'Wait- Did they just, omg.. omgomg omgomg omgomgomg omgomg omg omg omg omg omg'
*Sans.exe has stopped working*
I stayed in the crouching position I was in while (R/n) apologized to me multiple times. Now (R/n) is blushing and covering their face with their hands and knees. I'm pretty sure i'm blushing cause my face felt like it's on fire. After a few seconds of freaking out in my mind I start hearing laughter and blink. I snap out of my freak out session and look at (R/n) they're laughing for some reason. I ask slowly with a confused face "wh-what? why a-are you laughing..?" Some of my blush fades, thankfully before (R/n) answers. "You looked like a blue berry! Haha! I didn't even know that skeletons could blush, but I guess they are made of magic.." They go into a thinking face then look at me "And I apologize for doing that.. My family does that so it's a habit.."
We get up as I say "nah it's fine.. i guess your family is really nice, if we get to the surface maybe I can meet them? you know, tell 'em about the shenanigans you get yourself into, maybe introduce them to papyrus and everyone else?" We walk out of the bathroom but I stop, as I stop (R/n) stops moving too. "but first we should clean this up." I say as I hand them an empty bucket. "Do I have to clean this all by myself?" they say in a pouty tone. "well.. before i would've said yes, but since we had a laugh i'll make this quick." I snap my fingers and the blood puddles start to glow a hint of blue. Soon the blood lifts from the floor and makes it's way into the bucket. (R/n) says "That's disgusting and awesome." as they watch the blood. "heh, y-yeah.." I reply as they ask "You ok?" I look at them with the most disgusted face I could give them. "Oh.. You don't like blood..?" I finish putting the blood in the bucket and say "no, i'm fine with it, it's just.. how can you bleed so much..?" they look at me and say "You know.. If you got hit in the same place you'd bleed just as much? Maybe even more..? Anyway, it's a weak point on the body. Leave it to bleed and you could die."
I stare at (R/n) and say "how do you know that isn't a lie? or that it actually works like that?" "Seen it. Caused it."
A million thoughts go past my head at the same time "what do you mean by that.." (R/n) walks back into the bathroom and dumps the blood down the tub "I mean hat I accidentally did the same thing but at a cliff, I almost fell down it, my dad caught me but I hit my chin on a sharp rock and it broke the bone. Had to get it fixed." they walk out and we walk to the couch as i ask "how'd you get it fixed?" they plop onto the couch lazily "Well we couldn't go to a hospital, there wasn't one around and my mom didn't want her car smelling like blood, so my dad fixed it up for me. Though it was quite painful and I cried the whole time, it was fixed, after a week or less it healed."
I sit on the couch too as (R/n) grabs the remote and turns on the Rust bucket's show, I of course cringe as his voice is heard by my non-existent ears. "Want to watch something else you judgemental skeleton?" I pout as they continue saying "Just cause him and Papyrus are dating doesn't mean you gotta be rude." I roll my non-existent eyes "Wait.. Are you afraid that Papy is going to leave you..?"
My sockets go blank 'How the fuck do you know my reactions to this while you are staring at the damn tv..?' "You know that Pap won't leave you, right? He knows well enough that you are too lazy to be left alone." I put my hood up and curl up into a pout-ball, as Papyrus calls it. "Aha! So I was right you hate being alone! Do you love your brother that much?" "oof-! h-hey get o-off!" I start to be leaned on by (R/n's) body as I hear them laugh, I start to blush in anger "could you just get off (r/n)?" I feel them get off "Ok."

{After other conversations~}

I hear a loud bang and Papyrus' voice "HERE WE ARE FRISK! HOPEFULLY SANS WILL BE HERE, UNLIKE HE SAID HE'D BE OUTSIDE.." My sockets look at the door and I see Frisk walk in. I grab (R/n's) arm quickly as they look at me in confusion, we end up on my bed and I smack my head against the wall "ow.·.." I fall and wobble a bit as my head rings, guess I hit the wall pretty hard.. I feel (R/n) grab my arm and help me lay down "One day i'm going to get myself caught, I swear.. Anyway, you ok? You hit that wall pretty hard, Frisk and Papyrus might've heard it." I shake my head slowly as I hold my hand on the aching part that was hit. "I'll go and hide now before they come in. See you in the morning"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2020 ⏰

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