Another.. Loop? Pt. 3

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Sans pov.
I'm still guessing what's in Grillby's home.
"ugh.." I groan as I open my sockets. I notice i'm in a unfamiliar place and sit up quickly, I look around "where am i..?" Grillby walks in the room and looks at me. He explains how I fainted and all kinds of other stuff, then walks out of the room while saying "I'll come back with some food.. Wait here." I sit down on his bed and wait a while, after about 43 minutes I get worried and decide to go look for him. As soon as I open the door, I run into Grillby, i'm now covered in (insert food).. "sorry grillby.. i was trying to look for you since you took a while, but, uh.." Grillby talks as he cleans some of the food off of himself "It's fine Sans. You can wash those clothes in the washing room, but after breakfast. Follow me." I follow behind Grillby to the kitchen and see another fire monster, she doesn't notice I'm there, due to her being on her phone. Grillby pulls up a chair next to him and pats it, I walk over and sit down, the other fire monster looks up and stares at me, then giggles. We stare at each other awkwardly untill the she gets up with toast in her mouth, she walks out the door waving to Grillby, he waves back as she close the door. "Don't mind her.. I already told her that you're here." Grillby says as he eats a grilled cheese sandwich, I sigh and set my head in my arms on the table. After breakfast Grillby leads me to the washer and I take my jacket and shirt off, I toss them in and start it. I walk back out and sit at the table with Grillby. I eat the other sandwich Grillby made as he gets up, "what are you doing?" I ask as Grillby walks to the door. "Someone knocked." he says as he opens the door a bit. I hear him speaking in the living room with someone. I walk out of the kitchen to ask who's there "hey gri-" I stop mid sentence as I see Papyrus, Frisk and Grillby starring at me. Grillby and Papyrus blush different colors as Frisk runs over to hug me. Papyrus yells for me to "PUT ON A SHIRT!!" and I reply with "calm down paps, they're in the wash.. and at least i'm still warring my shorts.." Grillby walks to the washing room to check if the clothes are dry, Papyrus and Frisk are sitting at the table with me. Frisk breaks the awkward silence by poking me on the ribs.
Reader pov.
I wake up and get ready for the day. I decide to make breakfast and walk into the kitchen. I make some pancakes and waffles then head over to wake Papyrus but spot him on the couch. "Papyrus wake up." I say sweetly to him as I pat his shoulder, "Ugh.." Papyrus groans as he sits up, I greet him with some pancakes covered in syrup and some berries on the side. "Good morning Papyrus." I say kindly as he gets up. "Good Morning (R/n).." He greets back as I set the food on the coffee table that I got them for a thank you gift. I explain to Papyrus that "I have to head over to Alphys' lab to help her with some stuff, i'll be back in a bit. Oh and, Toriel told me that Frisk is coming over to hang out." Papyrus eats some of the food as he says "Oh right, they are.. I forgot that we agreed to that. I guess i'll just bring them with me when I go get Sans. These pancakes are really good by the way, thank you." I put on my Maroon sweater over my (f/c) turtle neck, I then slip into my rainbow colored high heals and head to the door. "Thank you Papyrus. Now I must go or i'll be late. If you need a drink, I left a cup o' hot cocoa in the fridge. Have fun!" before I leave Papyrus says to me "DON'T FORGET TO COVER YOUR FACE AS YOU LEAVE (R/N)!"and with those final words I leave the house as I put my long hood over my face and head over to the Lab.
Frisk pov.
Ps: Chara can only be talked to or seen in mirrors, they also can take things from Frisk's inventory. So the locket has a mirror.
I wake up to the smell of another well baked pie and get out of bed. I make my way over to the mirror and talk to Chara a bit before I go eat pie. "Good morning Chara!" I sign to them happily. "Morning Frisk.." they say to me in a tired voice, "Not a morning person?" I sign to Chara as they rub one of their eyes "Yeah.. I'm never a morning person.." they reply as a door slowly opens. We both look over to Asriel as he walks out of his room, "Morning Azzy.." Chara greets as I wave to him. he smiles tiredly and walks over, "Good morning you two.." he greets. Chara looks past Asriel and says, "Well, I gotta go, Mom's coming.. Save a piece for me Frisk and stay out of trouble you two. Bye." Asriel and I say our goodbyes as Toriel makes her way over to us. "Good morning my children." she greets as Chara disappears. "Good morning." Asriel says as I hug Toriel with a smile. Toriel laughs a bit and walks us to the table to eat some pie, "Here we are my children, snail pie for me and Asriel, and a butterscotch cinnamon pie for you, Frisk." We all sit down and eat the food, me and Asriel have a conversation about snail pie, but he fails again to convince me to eat at least a bite of it. I only eat half of my pie, then put it in my inventory, I wait a few seconds and it disappears. I bring out the locket and open it to see a small heart shaped mirror, I look into the mirror, I see Chara wiping crumbs off their face while we give each other a thumbs up. I look over to Asriel and give him a thumbs up too, he smiles at me and Toriel looks at us with a confused look. I look at her and smile sweetly, she smiles back and grabs the empty plates then heads over to the kitchen. I sign to Asriel that "I'm going to go hang out with Papyrus at his house, we're going to go play some games, train together with Undyne, and make puzzles today!" Asriel gets up and nods, "I'll tell Mom." he heads over to the kitchen and comes back with a thumbs up. I smile and run to my room, change, then rush out the door in excitement. I arrive at the brother's home to see a hooded person leave their doorway and run towards the forest. 'I'll ask Papyrus and Sans about them later, and i'll ask Chara and Asriel too, just in case.' I knock on the door and wait a bit, I could hear someone walking over, the door opened and I saw a smiling, syrup covered, Papyrus greet me. "HELLO HUMAN FRISK! IT'S NICE TO SEE YOU!" I giggle a bit as Papyrus walks me in. "Your covered in syrup Papyrus." I sign to him as he closes the door. "I DO? I SHOULD CLEAN UP A BIT THEN! WHY DON'T YOU WAIT HERE FOR A SECOND WHILE I CLEAN OFF MY FACE! I WILL BE BACK!" Papyrus runs to the bathroom to clean himself and I sit on the couch. I open the locket again and ask Chara about the hooded person, "Sorry but I don't know.. Maybe you can ask Papyrus or Sans about them?" I sigh, "Sans isn't here or he'd be greeting me by now. So i'll ask him when he gets back." I sign, "And even if I ask him he's probably going to avoid the question like it's the plague.." Chara thinks for a bit then says, "They might answer you if you say you'll ask everyone else and ask them to go looking for the hooded person? And if he knows them then he'll probably do something." Chara shrugs. "Good idea.. But what if it doesn't work?" "Then go and look for them yourself, or you can just give up and stop thinking about it.. But knowing you, that's not an option.." I stop talking to think, after a bit I speak again but get startled by Papyrus popping up from behind me. "OK HUMAN FRISK! WE ARE GOING OUT TO GRILLBY'S HOUSE TO COLLECT SANS! AFTER THAT, THEN WE CAN PLAY AS MANY GAMES AND MAKE AS MANY PUZZLES YOU WANT!" I close and hide the locket quickly while nodding. "Papyrus, is it ok if I ask Sans a question when we get there?" I sign as we head over to the door, "WHY, YES YOU CAN, HUMAN! BUT YOU DON'T NEED PERMISSION FROM ME TO ASK SOMEONE ELSE A QUESTION!" Papyrus opens the door as I sign "Ok." and we head over to Grillby's home to collect Sans. When we get there it's gotten a bit colder, Papyrus lifts me to knock on the door. After 2 minutes the door opens and we are greeted by Grillby, "HELLO GRILLBY! WE ARE HERE TO COLLECT SANS! WHERE IS HE?" Grillby and I wave at each other as he lets us in, "He's in the kitchen, but I need to speak with you for a second." Papyrus sets me down and starts talking with Grillby. I look around the house and spot something, 'Oh! It's Sa-where's his shirt..?' I pull at Papyrus' scarf and point to Sans, Grillby and Papyrus turn to Sans and immediately start blushing, Papyrus yells at Sans to "PUT ON A SHIRT!!" as I run over and hug him while Sans replies. Grillby then walks to where ever he went as Papyrus, Sans, and I sit at the table in silence. After what seemed like forever I quietly get up and poke Sans on the ribs, which makes him whisper scream "gah!" as I poke him. He turns to me quickly with an annoyed face, "d-don't do, that.. kay kiddo?" I nod to him and sign "Sorry Sans.. I didn't mean to startle you.." he looks at me for a good 3 seconds then asks "what did you want anyway?" I sign "There was someone who walked away from your house. They had a hood on so I couldn't see their face, do you know who they are?" Sans looked at me in confusion, "no.. sorry kiddo, i can ask pap about it for ya." I nod at Sans and he turns to Papyrus and asks that same question. "OH? NO, I HAVEN'T SEEN A HOODED FIGURE TODAY.. SORRY SANS" Sans looks over to me and shrugs. I give a pouting face and he pats my head "don't worry kiddo, while we mess around with pap's puzzles, i'll keep a socket out for 'em ok? if i see anything i'll call you." I give him an ok sign as Papyrus says "AND I'LL KEEP A SOCKET OUT TOO! I AM VERY ATHLETIC SO IF THEY RUN I CAN EASILY CATCH THEM! AND IF THEY DO GET AWAY, SANS AND I CAN WORK ON TRACKING THEM! I'LL ASK PEOPLE IF THEY HAVE SEEN THEM TOO!" I thank him and sit back down. Grillby walks back in with Sans' shirt and jacket, "thanks grillby." Sans says as Grillby hands them to him. Sans gets up and sets his jacket on the table he grabs his shirt and puts it on, "whoa.." Sans says as he pops his head out and gets the shirt on. "What's wrong?" we all ask Sans as he fans himself with his hand, "s-sorry.. the clothes 're j-just really warm.. it startled me, i guess." Sans shrugs as he puts his jacket on too. Grillby says "I put some magic on it so you don't freeze, it will cool down a bit when you go outside." Sans thanks Grillby as we all go to the door. "GRILLBY.. ARE YOU ABLE TO DO THAT TO OUR CLOTHES TOO? IT IS A BIT MORE COLD OUT THEN NORMAL, AND I DON'T WANT THE HUMAN TO FREEZE BEFORE WE HAVE SOME FUN!" Grillby nods and walks over to us as he puts his hand on our chests, our clothes then glow a warm orange for a second then go back to normal. "THANK YOU GRILLBY!" 'Wow it's hot..' I think as I fan myself. We leve the house while saying goodbye to Grillby.
2172 words! Cool. Now, off to the next chapter. See you later! Bye.

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