Chapter 13 : More of Jeremy .

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Jeremy's POV 

I see her sitting down my the couch reading a book of spells and I couldn't help but notice hair long brown hair is tied up and as I sit down on a comfortable chair opposite her , she heads up and look at me . "Oh hey , Jeremy" , she smiles and I notice her face because I don't think I ever noticed it before because her hair was always in the way and now I see it , she is quite a beauty . "What are you reading there , Tater  Tots ?" , I ask and she eyes me from above the book , "you know my name already Jeremy , you do not have to call me Tater Tots anymore" , " but I like it , it suits you somehow" , "Okay , then I'm gonna give you a nickname too" . She doesn't like being left out  , does she ? "Okay  , I'm open for that . Shoot Tater Tots !" , "I'm so not gonna call you Bachelor anymore , I think you have enough ego boost already" , she smiles  "Since my nickname is a candy , how about I call you Hershey's ?" , "that's a whole different name altogether ?" , I point out . She makes a pout , "you're right . How bout something simple ? Nothing too mouthful , is Jerrie okay ?" . I widen my eyes , remembering that's what my mother called me . "Are you comfortable with Jerrie ?" , she looks at me expecting an answer . I shake away from remembering my mother , "if only you are" . She grins excitedly , "it's settled , you are Jerrie to me . Now tell me Jerrie , why are  you the only one that's always here ? I never see any other witches and warlocks roaming or hanging out in this house , I mean I do see Lionel having discussions with other warlocks and witches in his age , but not ours" , she looks at me curiously . " I am an outsider Tater Tots , people do not trust me easily but your parents are kind enough to let me feel welcome" . "I don't see you are an outsider" , she says while reading the spell book  and I was confused . "Why not ? I did told you I'm from the Nebula coven right ?" . She nods her head , then she close the book and look at me straight in the eye . " You're a warlock right ?" , she ask that and I nod my head and curious what she's going to say next . "Aren't you surrounded by witches and warlocks , they do magic like you do right ?" , I nod and starting to get the hang on what she's talking about . "So , what's the difference Jerrie ? You only grow up with different people and across town , but we all are exactly the same . Isn't that what Lionel has been saying , we are a union" . I agree with what she's saying , but I just couldn't take me eyes out of her eyes , it's brown and it's deep but the thing is you would not get drown , looking at her eyes feel safe . "I'm impressed , you have been paying attention in class . It's starting to grow on you huh ?" , I ask while folding my arms . She stands up and fold her arms back , "if I don't accept it now , when will I accept it ? One thing I learn from my parents back home is , take life as it is and make the most of it . Life's too short for mourning and sadness" , then she takes her bag . " Are you going home already ?" , I ask cause I want to talk to her more , get to know her and see more of those eyes . She nods , "I'll see you later Jerrie" , I quickly got on my feet and try to stop her . "Wait !" . She stops and look at me raising her eyebrows so I go straight to the point  , " do you want to go and get some coffee ? We've never properly hang out ?" , "I'm sorry Jerrie , I have plans with Neil . I'll tell you what , how bout tomorrow ?"  , before I nod she pats her forehead , "Oh , I'm meeting the girls tomorrow for a school project ! You're so lucky that you've finished school" , she looks at me while doing a funny face . "Whenever you can , it's fine . I'll always be here anyways so , you'll never get to miss me" , I wink at her and she makes a pout , "Schucks , Jerrie ! You're never gonna give me a chance ?" , "Never , Tater Tots"  . She laughs , wave goodbye and left the door and somehow I can't wait to meet her again tomorrow .

Then I suddenly remember , I'm supposed to lure her in to Nebula . I pat my forehead , I'm not suppose to be friends with her , but if she's gonna be in Nebula , aren't she and I going to be friends ? I'm gonna get a tight slap from Xavier again , ugh , great . He's my only flesh and blood left and all I'm doing is letting him down , even worse , letting mum down . "Mama" , I whisper to myself . Then I hear a motherly voice calling me , it's just Carla . " Jeremy dear , are you going to have dinner with us tonight ?" , "I don't think so . I think I'm just  gonna have takeout and eat at my apartment" . Before Carla can say anything , Lionel walk out of his study , "join us Jeremy , we would like the company" . I cannot say no to Lionel , I mean he's the coven leader and maybe he's going to share something valuable so that I can tell Xavier . The three of us take our seats and  Lionel starts to converse , "Jeremy , have you been practicing your magic ? We do not have many witches or warlocks with lightning element  , so it's lucky for us , the coven to have you" , I appreciate his compliment but too bad I'm totally against him so  I just nod towards his remark . Then Lionel says something that sparks my attention , " the only person I knew that has the lightning element is your father , Jeofrey" . I never knew my dad cause he stayed in Luna coven , where my mum chosed to be with his brother and I followed my mother instead of him . The only thing I remember about him was his big and wide smile whenever he saw me but since my mum took me away , I never seen him again and what I heard was he died because of a high fever . "He was a great man , and I know he saw things differently with your mother but not a single day passes by that he did not miss his family . He always wanted to visit you , but I never permitted it because it's too dangerous for him to go out there alone since I do not know how powerful Xavier was . So Carla here insist on using her magic for your father" , I didn't know any of this , I thought my dad doesn't want anything to do with me . Carla looks at me and explain , "everyday at 10 in the morning and 6 in the evening , he will come and see me requesting to see you . He'll always hold your rattle cause to activate the spell , you need something that is connected or meaningful to the person you want to visualise . He's always watching you , Jeremy and not a single day he is not proud of you" .I clench my fist trying to hold back the tears , "if he loves me so much , why didn't he take me away from the cave ? Why did he let me stay with Xavier ?" . Lionel touches my hand and that somehow soothes me , " he doesn't want to pressure on you , he wants you to choose your own destiny . You have been growing up with Nebula and maybe you want to grow up with your mother's teachings and he was worried if he took you , you'll be confused and lost " , I've never meet my dad but suddenly I miss him ,  I wish I should be doing something , but he was right . I am suppose to choose my own destiny . Lionel continues , " and now , you are back here and I can assure you , your dad is smiling above you" . I'm in a state of confusion , because I'm supposed to be finish my mum's task of killing Lionel , and I'm supposed to be digging information but after what I've been hearing things about my dad , I'm thinking whether I should be here and take his place . All of the sudden Xavier's voice is inside my head , combine with my mum's voice and the image of my dad , it's throbbing so hard , I stand up . "Is everything okay , dear ?" , Carla asks ."Son , something wrong ?" , he stands up from his seat . My head really hurts just thinking of both of my parents silmultaneously . "I..I'm sorry , it's just I have a lot on my mind" , I push my chair backwards , "I have to go" . I exit the house and I hear Carla and Lionel chase me , but I just keep on walking . If only they'd know , my dad would be dissapointed in me . My parents will be dissapointed in me .

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