4. Anomaly Junction

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"What do you mean you don't want to talk about it now?" Questioned Matt.
E rolled her eyes and spun around, throwing her legs off the side of the bed.
The second she had admitted to needing help, she had been bombarded with questions that she did not want to answer.
"Look, I've just been shot and survived major surgery. Give me a break. I don't want to have to go through everything I've been up to these past 6 months" admitted E.
"Well, usually when someone asks for help, they tell their friends what they want help with" replied Matt.
"I'm not a normal person though, am I? Besides, my story is long and complicated, so I don't want to talk about it all right now, while I'm tired and weak".

E pushed herself off the bed, and stumbled, but managed to catch herself before she fell over.
"You need to take it easy" reminded Jess.
"Thanks for the warning. But I don't do easy" replied E as she began to head towards the doors.
"And where do you think you're going?" Questioned Lester.
"For a walk. I need to clear my head. But you're welcome to come along and bug me, as I expect you will" sighed E as she pushed open the medical bay doors and into the corridor.
She was only alone for about a second, as the rest of the team quickly rejoined her side.

"Look, I understand why you don't want get into it all now. But you need to give us some information" insisted Matt.
"I don't need to give you anything" replied E coldly.
"You do if you want our help" Matt reminded her.
"And I have promised that I will tell everything, just not right now"
"At least tell us who shot you, please, I can't stand not knowing".
E stopped walking and sighed, "Fine. It seems like I'm not going to get any peace until I tell you... I was shot by a man named General John MacNamera, and I was tortured by him and his men".

"That's not the man we met in the future was it?" Asked Becker.
"No, that was General Jackaby, a good friend of mine. General MacNamera lives in this time zone and he's probably about Lester's age, maybe a bit younger" revealed E.
"What were you doing getting yourself tortured by some General?" Questioned Lester.
"He's an ex-army man, currently leading a team of men who have been hired by a billionaire named Harold Wolf" answered E.
"So you've gone and pissed off a billionaire. Oh brilliant"
"Actually he's the one who pissed of me. He started it. Although to be fair to him, he didn't know what he was doing when he started this".

"You're not making any sense. What do these men have to do with you?" Matt asked.
"It's complicated" mumbled E.
"For God's sake, just tell us the truth! What is so hard about that? Do you not trust us at all?" Snapped Matt.
"It's not as simple as that. And you know that I'm not good at sharing things. But I do trust you. I've told you things about my past that hardly anyone knows. But telling you this secret, a secret that I've never told anyone before, is hard. Especially as it's not an event that happened in my past, it's something that is happening right now. But I guess I have no choice, as bad things will happen if I cannot solve the issue".

"Look, I'm sorry for shouting and losing my temper. But I really want to help you, and I can't do that until you tell me what you need help with" admitted Matt.
"I know. And I am glad that you want to help me. It's just hard to talk about one of my biggest secrets... O.K, here goes. There is an island, I won't tell you where just yet, but it's not exactly a local one. This island is unpopulated, and untouched by man, for one big reason, and that is that it is covered in anomalies. There are dozens of them there at one time. Some come and go, others stay for a long period of time. I believe that you have seen places like this before, you call them anomaly junctions" revealed E.

"Nick saw one when he ran after Helen when she escaped, and left us with a bunch of Dodo's" said Connor.
"Yes, that was one of the first ones we found, but there are dozens throughout time" admitted E.
"Why haven't we ever detected the anomalies on this island?" Asked Lester.
"Because I placed a blocking signal around the island a long time ago, before the ARC was even founded. I had to make sure that no one noticed the disturbancies caused by the anomalies" explained E.
"So you've been going there a lot?" Questioned Abby.
"Yes, I've been studying the island over thousands of years. One of the anomalies has been there for all that time, and I've never been able to find out why" E revealed.

"You have a device that tells you how long an anomaly will be open for, so what does it say when you point it at this particular anomaly?" Quizzed Connor curiously.
"It says nothing. The numbers just keep spinning, never stopping to give me an answer" answered E.
"And you're sure that the smaller anomalies are not satalite ones, being projected from the main one?"
"I'm sure. They all lead to different places. Trust me, I've done hundreds of experiments on that island, and the normal anomalies seem to have no connection to the large one".

"As interesting as this is, it doesn't explain your connection to the general and the billionaire" reminded Lester.
"I think it does. Let me guess, this billionaire is buying the island?" Matt asked E.
"Yes. The island belongs to no one, it doesn't officially exist, as I removed it from all records. But Harold Wolf came across it while on his boat, and once he found it, he sent his men over there to control the situation" admitted E.
"He wants to use the anomalies?"
"No, luckily he cares not for them. To him, they are just things that spit out dinosaurs. He wants the creatures. He wants to create his own little Jurrassic Park. His men have been going around locking up the creatures, and building enclosures. I tried to stop them, but eventually I got caught".

"So he's making a dinosaur zoo" sighed Lester.
"Yes. Harold is currently in a long argument with the governments surrounding the island, trying to buy it, but it's a long process since no one is sure who it actually belongs to. But even though he doesn't officially own it yet, he's already set to work on his little project. And that's where you guys come in. I need your help to stop him and everything he is doing to the island, because as it turns out, I can't do this alone" admitted E.

Relative Strangers (Book 2) No Man Is An IslandWhere stories live. Discover now