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Holly Berries: A poisonous berry. Cats die almost instantly if consumed.

Deathberries (Yew berries): A posionous berry. A cat can die almost instantly if consumed.

Foxglove Seed: An extremely poisonous seed. If ingested can kill a cat. Causes paralysis and heart failure.

Water Hemlock: A poisonous plant that causes writhing and foaming at the mouth, eventually leading to death.

Cures -

Nettle Seeds: Used to counter the effects of weak poisons.

Snake Root: Can be used to counter the effects of poison.

Tormentil: Countering the effects of weak poisons.

Yarrow: A herb used to make a cat vomit. This can expel poisons from the body.

The berries listed above can also be used as traps for dangerous predators. (Snakes, moutian lions, foxes, badgers, ect.) Stuff a piece of fresh-kill with these berries and set it near the pedator's den. They will die quickly and painlessly.

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