Pain Aches & Stiffness

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Aching Joints/ Stiffness:

Daisy Leaves: Used to soothe aching joints. (Chew into paste)

Goldenrod: This herb is used in poultices to treat aching joints and stiffness.

Ragwort Leaves: This is another herb used to treat aching joints.

Fennel: Stiff/aching hips

Tooth/Belly Aches:

Alder Bark: Bark from an alder tree is good for healing toothaches.

Chervil: This herb is used to treat bellyache.

Juniper Berries: This is another herb used to treat bellyache.

Watermint: This is another herb used to treat bellyache.


Dock Leaves: It's juices are good for soothing sore paw pads.

Feaverfew: This herb is used to treat headaches.

Raspberry Leaves: This herb is used to ease pain during a queen's kitting.

Poppy Seeds: This seed is used to numb pain and help a cat sleep. Giving a cat more than two seeds may negatively affect their health, so be careful. (Not recommended for queens)

Honey: Honey is used to treat sore throats and smoke inhalation.

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