Infection & Wounds

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Burdock Root: A herb used to treat infection, especially good for rat bites. (Chew into pulp)

Chervil Root: A herb used to keep away/treat infections.

Horsetail: A herb used to treat infected wounds.

Mallow: A herb used to fight infection.

Marigold: A herb used to keep wounds from getting infected. It can also heal sores.

Tansy: Used to treat minor wounds.

Tormentil: This herb is good for treating wounds.

Celandine: This herb is used to ease pain. It can also be used to treat injuries to the eye.

Goldenrod: Used to treat severe injuries.

Goosegrass: This herb is used to stop bleeding from a wound.

Wild Garlic: Rolling in a patch of garlic can help to keep infection out of wounds. It is also good for rat bites.

Licking a cat's fur can help clean fresh wounds.

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