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You feel something or someone behind you, it's Raito...he slowly touches your shoulder and goes down a small bit to your arm. His face goes closer to your ear and he whispers,
"Take a guess"
You pull away and continue to run down the hall way, he watches you and slightly moves his hat.
You run all the way down to the door at the entrance. You try....and try....and try..... pushing on the door for dear life to get out of the house, yet it doesn't open.
"Please! Come one open! Open!"
You start saying out loud to the door as flight or fight kicks in. You pull on the door nobs....and pull and pull....until someone grabs your shoulder and turns you around then pins you against the door. It's Ayato.
"Where are you trying to go?"
He says as he stares into your eyes.
"It's the much-anticipated time to scream"
He continues.
"Please humor me by screaming at the top of your lungs. You can't get away from me now."
He says as he gets closer and puts his other hand next you. With flight or fight becoming so intense you push him away and run to the stairs. He giggles as he watches you run away, quite humored by your fear.
You run and run up the stairs, until you come across a room. It looked as if it had chains that were newly broken off...and the door was open. The chains lay in front of the door, your curiosity gets the best of you.
You walk in and close the door behind you, you slowly let your eyes guide across the walls and shelves, the room was small. It looked like and attic. There were books everywhere, along with jewelry, rocks, gems, and other things, all the furniture was cover with white cloths. There were a few painting, the room had a balcony, you look over to it and see a very beautiful woman stand there, she was wearing a long beautiful black dress and had long gorgeous purple hair that faded into black at the tips, she was gorgeous. She started to turn towards you...suddenly you get a sharp pounding pain in your chest...where your heart's so intense you fall to the floor.
" hurts...."
You bump into a shelf with so many books on it, it's not funny. A book falls at your feet, you don't notice it at first because your gripping your chest...until suddenly it goes away. Along with the woman.
You notice the book and look at it. You read it, it says.
"{your name} gives me happiness.....the fact that she is not my child means nothing now. I am only grateful for this great blessing every day I live."
Along with the diary you assume is your fathers, you find a photo of when you were a baby, it's your father holding you, his smile bright, as if nothing could ever hurt him anymore.
"W-what does this mean? Am I not my fathers daughter?! Why the hell is my fathers diary here?"
Suddenly you hear a voice from beside you.
"Of all the rooms, you had to pick this one to enter."
You immediately look and see all the brothers around you. Looking at you
"This is a room we have sealed  off so no-one may enter."

BiteTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon