chapter three.

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Calvin sat on the bed, his older brother rubbing his back as he sobbed into his shoulder.

"That man... what if he's dead now?" He choked, his mind replaying on a loop of the grotesque scene from earlier. He was out for his nightly jog, and to his horror found a man bleeding out onto the sidewalk.

"Cal, it's not your fault. You saved his life... if you hadn't have found him  then he would be dead." His brother reassured, patting his back, listening to his younger brother sob harder at this. "Im sure he's still alive."

"It was so... unreal. There was so much blood..."

"I know buddy, I know." He let his brother cry until his eyes didn't drop my tears, until his throat burned. He got up, handing the younger a bottle of water, who shakily accepted it. "You're so strong."

"Does mom and dad know?" Calvin mumbled, his throat hoarse.

"I told them, yes."

"Can you take me to see him tomorrow?"

His brother hesitated, his face dropping, before smiling again. "Yes. Now, it's time for us to get some sleep."

"Can-" The younger hesitated. "Can I sleep in your room tonight? Like how we used to?"

"Yeah, of course, I'll set your bed up on the floor." The older got up, dragging a blanket from his own bed down to the carpet. "Where's your old sleeping bag?"

"The one with dinosaurs that you said was ugly and childish for a teenage boy?" Calvin chuckled, his brother joining in. He got up, walking out to the hallway and opened a closet. He searched for a few minutes, before pulling out a long sleeping bag, dragging it into his brothers room. He threw it on the floor and layer inside, his head falling on a soft pillow. He pulled the blanket over his body. He closed his eyes, a small click filling the room, the only source of light cascading in was from the moonlight through the blinds as the room went dark.

"Hey Cal?" A voice above him spoke out from the dark.


"I love you, don't you ever forget that."

He opened his eyes. "I love you too." He closed them again, listening to the sound of his own breathing as he was eventually lulled into sleep.

At school, the group had met up inside the lunchroom. The entire room filled with the smell of dry, tasteless breakfast. Calvin was filling them all in about what had happened the previous night.

"Wow..." Victoria mumbled. "He's lucky that you were there in time." She rubbed his shoulder. "You probably saved his life." She pulled her hand away, searching his face. "Hey, why don't I get you something from the snack machine? It's on me."

"Ooh you're getting snacks?" Julian perked up. "Can you get me som-"

"No." Victoria cut him off, pulling the taller boy to the vending machines.

"Tough luck." Vivian laughed as Julian frowned.

He looked at her expectantly.

"What are you doing?"


"You're trying to guilt trip me into buying you food."

"What?! No I'm not!" He exclaimed, offended. "But... if I was, did it work?" He asked quickly, grinning.

"Nope! Not one bit!" Vivian broke out in a smile. "Honestly what is it with you and food?"

"It's good!" He said defensivly.

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