chapter nine.

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"MARINA! SHILOH! PETER!" A broken shriek stirred Peter up from his sleep. He pushed himself up, before stumbling out of the room. He rounded a corner and entered the room Sophia and Emmett shared. He seen Marina crying, her face red and Shiloh, who was pacing back and forth, cussing under his breath.

"What's going on?" Peter asked, panic growing inside of him from the scene.

"It's Emmett! He's gone!" Sophia walked. Shiloh handed him a note. His heart dropped into his stomach as he read it;

If you ever want to see the boy alive, come to the little black house on Hillsburns Drive. You have 48 hours or he'll be relocated... or killed.
You have been warned.

He looked back up, feeling numb. He turned around and went to his room. He forced his bedside table open, moving the stuff around until he felt cool metal. He loaded the gun, taking some extra ammo with him. He stripped his pajamas off, before putting on a black sweaters and jeans. He grabbed a mask, tying it to the waistband of his jeans.

"Piper, where are you going" He heard Marina ask from the doorframe. She was shaking really badly. "I- I thought we were safe here... I thought nobody could get in... Oh you were right! There was someone here!" She fell to her knees.

He watched her. There wasn't any time to comfort her, as much as he wanted to.

"I'm going to go get my little brother." He replied, his voice trembling with anger.

"Peter don't go!" Sophia came running out.

"I have to. Stay here, and I don't need anyone following me. I'll be back, stay safe and stay hidden." He rushed out the door, locking it behind him.

Hillsburn Drive, Hillsburn Drive. It's a black house...

He ran down the decaying steps, and down the back alley, he knew where he was going, he knew every route like the back of his hand.

I'm going to get you.

After what felt like years, he finally found it. A little black house; which he heard had caught on fire years ago, was facing him, threatening him to come closer.

And he did just that. He pulled the mask over his face, taking the gun out as he walked, closer and closer. He tried the door, and of course it was locked. He rounded towards the back, He peeped inside the window, seeing a group of four guys sitting on a couch, eating food and smoking as the tv blasted loudly. He could hear muffled cries coming from the window over. He ran to it, and to his dismay he found that it was boarded up.

"Alright fuckers, you had your chance." He said, before bashing the window in, climbing inside. The four men got up, their eyes flicking to the gun.

"Well, look who crawled into the spider's web." The man in the front said. The teenager's eyes widened behind the mask, the man he had seen last night wasn't the one who killed his parents. The man he seen last night was standing infront of him, alive and breathing.

"Where is he?" Peter snarled, raising his gun. All he seen was red. "I swear if any of you fuckers did anything to him-"

"Put the gun down son, or you'll regret it." The man in the front said coldly.

"Answer my question or I swear I'll kill every last one of you!" Peter's voice shook with rage. His heart raced in his chest.

"Relax, it'll all turn out okay..." The man's eyes shot behind Peter, who whipped around, shooting his attacker just in time. The man fell to the ground, the long knife falling out of his hands as he layed still.

The men advanced on him. Gunshots rang through the air.

Several moments later, the room was painted red, Peter was the only one left standing, a slash mark on his cheek and a aching body the only injuries he managed to get .He forced down the slight nausea as he looked down at his blood-stained clothes.

"Emmett?!" He called tiredly. He heard a muffled cry sound again.

The sound came from behind a wooden door. He tried the handle, kicking it down wouldn't work either. He stared, seeing that there was a keyhole.

He looked around and began searching the corpses. He felt around in of the men's neck, and ripped off a bloody key, shoving it into the keyhole.

A tiny click filled the air as he pushed the door open, feeling around for a lightswitch. On the bed revealed a squirming mass inside of a sack. He left the room quickly, almost slipping on the sleek blood as he grabbed a knife. He went back in, his hands shakily tearing through the fabric. He set the gun and his mask down on the bed, sweat glistening his face.

The boy inside let out a gasp of breath, his chest heaving. Peter took the blindfold off. He cut the binds off of the boy.

"Peter.. look out-" Emmett croaked weakly, a finger pointing behind him.

Peter turned around staring down the barell of a gun. He moved his eyes up. A woman stared at him, hatred burning through her eyes like a hungry fire. "I'LL KILL YOU!" She screamed.

A blast went off through the air. He choked, watching as the woman fell to the ground.

He turned around, finding Emmett who had the gun raised in his hands, shaking badly. The weapon fell back on the bed as he backed away, tears streaming down from a pair of terrified eyes.

"Y- you saved me." Peter stammered.

"I... I killed her..." Emmett began. Peter pulled him into a hug, careful not to let his bloody clothes stain the boy. "It's okay... let's go home." He helped the shaky boy up to his feet.

The two had a long trek back home, careful to avoid any observers as the walked into the alley and up the stairs. Peter took his bloody shirt off, staring down at his stomach. Blood was splattered all over it, and he seen that his stitches had reopened. He quickly hid it with his hand as Emmett looked over. He unlocked the door, pushing it open.

Blonde hair swisher around as Sophia ran up, knocking Emmett to the floor as she hugged him. Marina and Shiloh hurried forward, greeting the boy through blurred tears.

Peter walked past them and to the kitchen. He took his shoes off and turned the water on, wetting a rag then putting it up to his wound. He collapsed on a chair, his head resting on the wall behind.

"Peter, you did it!" Shiloh noticed him and rushed over, taking his hand. "Are you okay?" He suddenly looked scared. His green eyes trailed down to his face and then to his bare stomach. "Oh no... don't move, I'll get something for that."

Peter closed his eyes for a moment, flinching as he felt a cool liquid sting his skin. "Ow..." He looked into Shilog's green eyes as he began cleaning his wounds. He moved on to his stomach, his eyes staring down at his stitches.

"They didn't open that much... only a tiny bit. I don't think it was your own blood."

"It sure feels like it." Peter grunted. "Seems like I get into trouble quiet a lot..." He chuckled bitterly.

"Don't say that." Shiloh scolded.

"It's true." Peter sighed, closing his eyes. He focused on the soft dabs on his stomach. "So, are we going to move?"

Shiloh glanced over his shoulder at Marina, who had her back turned from the two. "I... don't know. We have electricity and water here... but after what happened, I really don't know."

"I could go out and find some locks or something." Peter got up and stretched once Shiloh was done.

"It's fine, I'll go. You go clean up and eat something." He met Peter's eyes, seeing how tired he looked.


"Now." Shiloh commanded.

Peter gave in. "Fine." He said stubbornly. He went to the bathroom and turned the shower on. His eyes trailed to the closet again. He opened it, looking around. Something caught his eye as he bent down; a tiny silver bullet.

"I wonder if that was dropped..." He mumbled to himself.

He stripped the bloodied clothes off of his body before stepping inside, letting the warm water run down his body.

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