chapter sixteen.

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Peter tackled Louis to the ground, the two boys tusseling, sending dirt flying everywhere in a frenzy. Peter couldn't hear the terrified screams coming from his fellow classmates, or the drowned out cries from Vivian, who was trying to pull Louis off, but getting pushed away everytime. Peter felt cuts forming on different parts of his body.

He didn't care.

All he cared about was protecting his friends and everyone else.

Even if I Die Trying.

He growled and grabbed Louis by the collar, the faintest rip slicing through the air. He head-butt the blonde boy ontop of him in the nose, blood spraying down on his face. The blonde rolled away, lunging with his knife. The two began to tussle again, struggling to take control. Louis. brought him to the ground again, staring down with murder in his eyes. He sliced Peter's hand open, and Peter made a grab for his throat. Louis felt nails dig into his skin and he slashed at the fingers, his eyes looking around wildly for an escape. Peter threw him off, his fist raining down on the boy's face. Louis tried to catch them, but failed miserably.  His knife was knocked out of his hands.

"DON'T EVER TRY TO MESS WITH MY FRIENDS AGAIN YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Peter bellowed, pure bloodlust in his eyes. A few kids screamed as he grabbed a rock, his hand rushing to bring it down. A sickening crunch filled the air as he stared down at the boy's broken nose.

"I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU LAWRENCE!" Louis screamed throughout his pain, his voice cracking. His fingers finally grasped the handle of the knife and he lodged it into Peter's side. Peter choked out, staring at the blade stuck deep inside of his hip. He pulled it out, feeling something gush down the side.

Sirens wailed in the distance and everybody began to run. Calvin rushed and tackled Jordan to the ground, Julian and Victoria running to his aid. Victoria began to beat the large boy with an even larger stick.

The brunette shakily got to his feet, staring at the drops of blood that would occasionally hit the ground. He stared into Louis's eyes. Peter struggled to breathe, he heard a scream in the distance. Louis pushed himself up and watched as Peter fell to the ground, staring up at the sky. Louis made a beeline towards the trees, his knife still in his hand. The trees rustled silently above with an calming hum. Peter's chest heaved as he heard a pair departing footsteps and two hands pressing down on his wound.

"Peter?! Oh god Peter everything's going to be okay! Just stay with me. STAY WITH ME DON'T SLEEP YOU'RE GOING TO BE OKAY... STAY..." Vivian screamed. "SOMEBODY HELP ME!" She stared down at the blood that was beginning to stain the earth.

Her hands were covered entirely in blood.

He stared at her blurry figure ontop of him, her face contorting with pain.  He felt something touch his cheek. He could make figures struggling to tear her away. He sighed and closed his eyes.

He felt light.


Vivian beat the ground with her fists, tears staining her cheeks as she heard the wail of sirens fade away quickly. Murmers rang from the crowd.

"EVERYONE GO BACK TO YOUR CABINS!" Grace yelled through the microphone, her voice cracking.

"Viv are you-" Victoria reached a hand to comfort her.

"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME!" Vivian shrieked, smacking her hand away harshly. "HE'S GOING TO DIE- IT'S THE SAME PLACE AS BEFORE HE'S GOING TO DIE-" She yelled until her head pounded. Calvin helped Levi up, who leaned against him, his sprained foot hovering off the ground. Julian watched, a black eye on his face and scratch marks on his arms. Victoria stared down at the broken girl, chewing her lip. She looked back towards the forest, a trail of blood leading towards it. Suddenly a cop car pulled inside the camp grounds. Two cops with guns ran inside. The woman on the right clicked her radio on.

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