part 11

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"It's been three days," Benji thought looking at Jorge who's quietly eating and sitting on the opposite side of him facing him "three days since he started being weird with me"

"Benji!!" the grandma looked at her grandson who's just staring at Jorge

The guy snapped out and looked at his grandmother "yes?"

"are you going to the meeting with Jorge today?" the lady said and Benji looked at Jorge who was busy eating not even bothering to answer or look at him

"ask him" Benji went back to eating

Ms. Krol had a confused look and looked at Jorge "Jorge are you going?"

The guy smiled finally putting his head up and looking at the grandma "sure"

He can't even say no anyways it's already weird enough for everyone and obvious that he's distancing himself from Benji

This is gonna make it odder

"let's just go to the meeting and that's it nothing more" the guy thought to himself

"Are you guys fighting?" Addy looked at the two with raised eyebrows

Benji was about to say something but Jorge did it first "no" the guy smiling standing up "I will go change now"

He walked away after and Addy glared at her brother "WHAT DID YOU DO?!"

Benji clicked his tongue standing up "NOTHING!" he also went upstairs to his and Jorge's room

"Can you pass me my tie?" Benji looked at Jorge who just came out of the bathroom and was standing next to where his tie was

Jorge grabbed it and passed it to Benji without a glance

Taking his phone the guy left the room quietly

Benji blinked looking at him leaving "see?? Usually, he would throw it at me and tell me to do it myself"

At the car, they were both sitting at the back quietly

Jorge was looking out of the window while Benji kept stealing glances

"do you know what the meeting is about?" Benji asked hoping Jorge would scream at him for thinking that he is stupid

But instead, he got a nod and silence

Benji sighed "do you um " the guy paused "wanna go to you know eat after? a new restaurant opened lately"

Jorge looked at Benji in a bored way and shook his head "I'm good"

The rest of the ride was quiet

Nothing to hear except the car driving

Usually, Jorge would be annoying Benji with his questions on purpose

Benji sighed quietly glancing at Jorge

After the meeting, the two left last after all the other people

"I need to use the bathroom," Benji said and Jorge nodded standing in the middle of the hallways

He has to wait for Benji to go back either way

"Jorge?" the guy turned around hearing his name and smiled

"hey Alex"

"what are you doing here?" Alex walked closer smiling

"a meeting" Jorge sighed

"ah with Benji?" Alex looked away

Jorge nodded "yeah"

"where is he I need to ask him something"

"bathroom" Jorge scratched the back of his head a little

Alex stared at him for a second before leaning down slowly

Jorge widened his eyes slightly and looked away "what are you doing?"

Alex chuckled and removed a small lash under Jorge's eye "this"

Jorge blinked and straightened up clearing his throat "thank you"

Alex sighed giving the file in his hand to Jorge "give this to Benji for me then see you later" the guy patted Jorge's head smiling and walked away

Benji came back minutes later and saw Jorge still standing there

Jorge cleared his throat and handed the file to the guy when he came closer

Benji took it confusingly "what is this?"

"Alex told me to hand it to you" he looked at Benji who suddenly changed his expressions to a really mad one "let's go" deciding to ignore it he started walking but not even two steps far Benji grabbed his hand pulling him back

"you met Alex?" the guy paused not getting a reply he continued "what's going on between you two?"

Jorge rolled his eyes "it's none of your business"

"seriously what is wrong with you?" Benji pushed his hair back looking at Jorge

"it's none of your business" Jorge folded his arms and looked away

"we're married I have every right to ask you"

"ah no you don't we have a contract for a reason" Jorge then looked at Benji frowning "why do you care so much about it? Whatever is happening between me and Alex is not involved with–"

Jorge was cut off but a pair of lips on his own

He widened his eyes not comprehending the situation

Benji was kissing him

He was holding his head and kissing him

When he finally got back to his senses he pushed Benji away and wiped his lips "you're disgus–"

"I don't like it!" Benji almost yelled out

Jorge angrily looked at Benji not understanding this jerk

"it's obvious that he likes you and I hate it" Benji clicked his tongue before looking at Jorge again

Jorge blinked not understanding still "what is your problem exactly?"

"Alex is my problem" Benji got closer to Jorge again looking at his eyes "you're mine"

Jorge opened his mouth slightly "we have a contract that clearly says the opposite"

Benji clicked his tongue "fuck that contract I don't care" the guy held Jorge's hands "stop acting like this now hm"

Jorge blinked couple times looking at Benji's eyes and sighed "we will see"

The guy turned around walking away again

"you're walking away again" Benji sighed mumbling to himself

Jorge turned his head looking at Benji "are you coming or no?" the guy smiled at Benji who suddenly grinned and quickly went to him holding his hand

Jorge looked at him weirdly "let go" his smile couldn't be hidden though

Benji got closer to his face while smiling "no" the guy pulled Jorge with their hands interlocked together



how r yall doin?

school is stressing me out and i have nothing to do recommend me easy stuff to do since i'm lazy 😔

anyways i have another plot kinda ready should i publish it now or wait until this book is done i feel like i'm spamming yikes

have an amazing day/night LOVE U

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