part 18

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"my dad wants me to go back to Madrid" Jorge looked at Benji who seems miserable

Yesterday talk was a long one with the Krols

Of course, Jorge's parents got the information too and now Jorge's father wants him to go back


Jorge sighed not getting anything back from Benji "I don't know what he's thinking but I will have to go back and tell him everything face to face about this"

Benji sighed going to Jorge and hugging him nodding "I know" the guy pulled away after a minute "are you going to take long?"

Jorge smiled "depends on how my dad will take it" the guy cupped his husband's face "but I will be back"

Benji nodded smiling too "okay"

There is nothing else to do the two knew the contract was the biggest mistake they did and they knew if their families ever found it they both will be in big trouble

After all, they got in this marriage to mature instead they made a whole contract

They are both in wrong Jorge got the idea and Benji just agreed carelessly

And after that, they both like each other and now they are stuck in this

Jorge knows his father will not joke about his punishment this time

It's a serious topic to get divorce and especially if you have a marriage contract

If the media finds out the companies are both doomed

Jorge looked at Benji sighed as it's his second time flying home in less than two weeks

The grandmother and Mr. Krol were also standing next to Benji also Alex who came after Jorge told him he's leaving

Jorge smiled waving trying not to let the sadness get to him

He will be back anyway, right?

"bye" the guy giggled as Benji hugged him for the millionth time "I will be back Benji"

"be careful and don't get lost" Benji patted his head with a grin

Jorge nodded "I will and you don't overwork yourself"

"Addy is still there tell her if you need anything" Benji cupped Jorge's face and decided to say what he has to say "I love you"

Jorge looked at Benji's eyes "I lo–"

"young master your plane is ready" the guard came fast and Jorge nodded hugging Benji one last time

"bye Jorge" Alex smiled at the guy

Pulling away he smiled at the rest of the family before letting go completely and walking away

Benji felt he was letting go of him


Not only for days he felt like he will never be able to see Jorge again

"I'm being overdramatic" Benji sighed

"you should have thought of what you were doing when you signed that stupid contract" the grandmother sighed patting her grandson's shoulder "I feel empty already"

The grandma went to her son as they walked together leaving Benji and Alex there

Benji still looking at the path Jorge walked through

Alex went to his cousin patting his shoulder "let's go"

Benji looked at his cousin sighing and walked with him "I feel like he won't come back"

Falling for you - BenjeyWhere stories live. Discover now