Perfect Child

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I am not flawless
I am just a human
And only Gods can be perfect, I guess

The one who speaks less
The one who always does his daily chores
The one who's room is never a mess

All these things should be done
To become the perfect child
Of your parents, the prefect daughter or son

Not only these, there are many more
Expectations from you to become errorless
And become less human to resemble God more

The perfect child has to follow
The dreams of others, the passion of others
And their aspirations and dreams? They quietly swallow

The perfect child, can never complain
After all so much has been done only for him
By his success only others gain

The air then becomes thick with pride and vanity
The shouts and screams unheard because the pain is dumb it can't speak
The perfect child is there in the corner weeping silently

Listen to your elders, respect and worship them like Gods
Not that all this is wrong, but some things are just not right
It makes the perfect child look and act like a well trained dog

So much has to be done
To become the perfect child
To have nothing of his own, no ideas, no views, no none

I give up then
If these are the conditions to become the perfect child
Because I want to be original,  I want to be imperfect
Make mistakes and then learn

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