Chapter 8

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I know that I took my time to write the next chapter but I was dealing with a lot of stuff but I'm back now with a new one so I hope you guys like it.

                       ~~~~~~~~4 DAYS LATER AT KAKAROT'S HOUSE~~~~~~~~~~~

Vegeta's POV

I start to wonder how I'm going to tell Bulma and Trunks about this. I know that I have to tell them I just don't know how maybe I can get Kakarot to help me. " Ummm Kakarot can I ask you something?" I ask. "Sure Geta anything!" He says with a smile on his face. " Wo-would you be able to help me to-tell Bulma and Trunks about this. I don't want to lie to them. I mean like Trunks is my kid and Bulma maybe my wife but I never felt like this when I was with her like the way I feel when I'm with you." I say as I start to cry.

Kakarot's POV

I never have seen him like this before. "Of course I'll help you, my prince, I understand what you're going through. I have to tell Gohan and Goten about this as well. I think if we get all of them together then they can hear both sides of the story. Does that seem good?" I say with a smile.

Vegeta's POV

Hearing him call me his prince made me blush. I look away so he doesn't see. "No need to hide it Vegeta. So why do it?" he says with a smirk on his face. "Because it is embarrassing that's why," I say with a pout. "So Geta what do you think about bringing them all together?" " I think it's a good idea. We also might want to add your - our friends as well so they know what's going on." I say.

Kakarot's POV

"I think it's a great idea Geta I'll give Gohan a call while you call Bulma and we can have them meet here okay?" I say. " Yeah, I'll see if Bulma can get the rest of the group if you want." "That sounds great love," I say. "W-w-what d-did y-you just c-call me?" he stutters. " I called you 'love' because I love you Vegeta." " I-I love you too... Goku'' he says. Kami I can't get enough of him saying my Earth name. "Vegeta I'm going to call Gohan and Goten to get them to come over okay?" I say. He nods.

Vegeta's POV

Kakarot seems to like it when I call him Goku. I take out my phone and tell Kakarot I'm going to call Bulma. "Hey Bulma, can you get everyone and tell them to come to Kakarot's house? We have something to tell them," I say. She says okay and I hang up. I see Kakarot get off the phone with his sons. "Are we really doing this Kaka?" "Yeah, we need to tell them. It will be better to tell them than have Chichi tell them," he says. "Okay. I'm just scared that my son is going to hate me. I mean like I haven't been a good father to him so I don't want this to make me seem like I don't care about him. I do care it's just I was never taught to care because I grew up on Frieza's ship,"

Kakarot's POV

I have never seen him like this before. "It's going to be okay Vegeta. I know you didn't have a good childhood because of Frieza but I can tell that you are trying your best when it comes to Trunks," I say. "I just want to make sure I'll still have him in my life," he says. " I understand that Vegeta wants my sons in my life as well but they might just need some time to understand that we don't love our wives and that we love each other. Just remember I'll be with you every step of the way okay?" I tell him in a loving and caring voice. "When did you become so smart Goku," he says while laughing. "Hey, I am smart. I just put a mask up because I don't want them to make fun of me for it. That's why I act like an idiot all the time," I say. "Well, you don't need to put that mask up around me. I want to get to know this smart side of you," he says. I was about to say something but a knock at the front door cut me off. " I guess they're here now ready to do this Kakarot?" Vegeta says. "Yeah let's get going,"

Gohan's POV

I wonder why dad called me and Goten came over to talk about. I arrive at dad's house to see Piccolo, Bulma, Trunks, Krillin, Master Roshi, Tien, Yamcha, Mum, Beerus, Whis, and everyone else. "Hey, Piccolo do you know what's going on with my dad?" "No, but I can feel Vegeta's ki here so maybe it has something to do with Goku and Vegeta because your mum doesn't look too happy," He says. "Okay, thanks anyways Piccolo," I say with a smile. He nods in response and smiles back. "Hey, mum are you okay?" I ask. "No Gohan I'm not-" she was interrupted when dad opened the door. " Hey, guys thanks for coming. You can come in and have a sit," He says. We all get in the house and I see Vegeta with a nervous look.

Vegeta's POV

I can't believe that I'm doing this. "So the reason Kakarot and I called you all here is because we have something to tell you guys," I say. I look at Kakarot to finish what I started. He nods. " So as Vegeta said we have to tell you guys something but first I want Gohan, Trunks, Goten, and Bulma to know we love you guys no matter what okay?" " Dad, why didn't you say anything about mum?" Gohan asks. "Well, Gohan what Kakarot is about to say she already knows and she acted out by saying not some nice things and she isn't the nicest person. She has been cheating on Kakarot with Yamcha," I say with a smirk. "THAT'S A LIE DON'T BELIEVE HIM HE IS NOTHING BUT A WHORE WHO STOLE GOKU FROM ME!" Chichi screams at the top of her lungs. " Chichi you need to calm down. I don't even know why you're here. I told you to leave my house and never come back," Kakarot says with a pissed off tone in his voice. " Anyways, as I was saying, Vegeta and I are a couple. I hope that all of you can understand and respect us in this," Kakarot says.

Kakarot's POV

I can see that Chichi is pissed after I told everyone what is happening between her and Yamcha. " Goku man, I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to go this far. I just hope we can still be friends," Yamcha says. "No, Yamcha we can't. I know you're sorry but I don't want to be friends with someone who rips apart relationships," I say with a mad tone. " Goku I may not look that happy about you and Vegeta but, I had a feeling something was happening between you two when Vegeta and you kissed at my birthday party a month ago. We have been friends ever since we were kids. I can't be mad at you for wanting some happiness in your life, So I am happy that you found it, yeah it might be in my ex but as long as your happy I'm happy. Hey Vegeta, do me a favour and don't break his heart okay?" Bulma says with tears in her eyes. "I won't Bulma I promise he is too important to me to break his heart and if I do I give you permission to kill me," Vegeta says. "Okay, Vegeta," Bulma says. "I'm sorry Bulma that I'm doing this to you but I love Kakarot. I hope we can still be friends. Trunks, I know this is weird but I hope that in time you can forgive me," Vegeta says with a sad tone. "Dad I already forgive you no matter what you are my dad and I love you. Yeah, I might be upset but that doesn't mean that I'll hate you," Trunks says as he gives Geta a hug. "Thanks, son I really appreciate that," Vegeta says with a smile.

Vegeta's POV

I can't believe that my son and my ex-wife are accepting of my relationship with Kakarot. "Everyone there is something I need to tell you guys and it's better now that everyone is here," Kakarot's oldest says. " What is it Gohan?" I say and this is the first time I called him by his name and not 'brat'. " Well since we are talking about this I might as well come out and say I'm gay," Gohan says. "WHAT!?" Chichi screams. "I CAN'T HAVE A FAGGOT FOR A SON!" She yells. " Chichi I will tell you this once so listen up. GET OUT OF MY HOUSE or I will kill you, and don't talk to my sons again. You understand that?" I say. "You think of me as your son?" Gohan asks. "I do. I also think of Goten as my son as he is always with Trunks so why not," I said with a smirk. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2020 ⏰

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