I love you

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The next morning
Pony POV:
I had been awake for about 15 minutes and was wandering around till someone else woke up. I had a very good sleep, I got to sleep by Zizzy! My long time crush! I remember when we first met, when I fell in love with her.

5 Year old Pony POV:
"Hey freak get over here!" Tigry called out to me.
"What is it? Are you finally gonna let me play with you?"I asked.
"Hell no! We wanna mess with you" he stated as his minions grabbed my shoulders to stop me from leaving.
"Let me go! Please." I begged
"Nah" Tigry replied.
He punched me right in nose, I screamed out in pain as I held my nose.
The tears began to roll down my face.
"Let's go guys, this freak is useless" he ordered his group of bullies as they walked off. I sobbed as I got up and headed to the doctors office, I hate there. Doctor brown bear is so scary. I sat down waiting for my turn and saw a really cute girl next to me.
"Hey what's wrong?"she asked
"T-Tigry a-and his f-friends bullied me"I said in between sobs
"Those bullies? Ugh. Don't worry I'll take care of them"she said rolling up her sleeves
"Really? Thank you"i said wiping my tears
"No problem. I'm Zizzy, what's your name"she asked holding out her hand
"Pony"I replied taking her hand.
From that day she protected me and I tried to protect her.

~~end of flashback~~

"*Yawn* morning pony"Zizzy yawned
"Oh morning Zizzy" I replied.
"You won't believe what I dreamed about"she said
"What?"I asked with a playful smile
"The day we first met. You were such a crybaby"she laughed
"Hey! I was five and had gotten punched in the face!"I replied with mock hurt
"Yeah, yeah"she said spraying whipped cream into her mouth
"Yuck"I said sticking out my tongue I hate whipped cream (a/n Pony is me rn I hate whipped cream)
"How can you hate whipped cream?" Zizzy asked (a/n Zizzy is literally every single person I know)
"It's plain"I said. Then she began walking over to me with a sly look on her face. I felt my face heat up
"W-what are you doing?"I stuttered
"This."She replied spraying the cream on my face
"Ugh! EjskskabfbfnxmA"I exclaimed trying to wipe the cream off my face
Zizzy began to burst out in laughter
"It's not funny"I said
"Okay okay I'll wipe it off"she said trying to hold in her laughing as she got a cloth out the drawer. She began to wipe off the cream. I blushed as she did that, so did she. After she finished we stood there, her looking into my eyes as I looked back into hers. Then something unexpected happened, she kissed me! It took some time to process but I began to kiss back. It felt amazing! The kiss lasted for several minutes before we broke apart. I opened my mouth to say something before I was interrupted.
"Eek! My ship has sailed!"bunny exclaimed.
"How long have you been there?"me and Zizzy exclaimed
"Long enough"she said before making kissy faces.
"If you don't stop then I'll tell you know who about your feelings" Zizzy Warned bunny who's face was burning red
"I- I need to go, back to bed"she exclaimed, clearly flustered
"Yeah back to dog-"she started
"Don't you dare finish that sentence"bunny warned giving Zizzy a death glare
"Okay okay"Zizzy replied raising her hands in defeat. Bunny returned to her room as Zizzy turned back to me.
"Umm say, wanna try dating?"she asked. Damn she was cute.
"Sure"i replied kissing her again.

This is the longest chapter I've ever written! Thx for reading see you next chapter💖💕

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