Chapter 3

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A/N: I'm probably going to make this fairly short, so only 10 - 15 chapters. Just to warn you that stuff's going to move quite fast.


Ianto's Dream


I'm flying through Jack's memories, somehow. I can feel time bending around my mind and I enter his consciousness when he was there.

Extermination. So many Daleks in front of him. I feel Jack's fear, knowing that he's about to die for what should have been the first and last time.

Clinging onto the outside of the TARDIS. As it rocked and rolled through the Time Vortex, spinning to the end of tie itself just to be free of him. 

Shot by Owen. The betrayal he feels makes me sick to the stomach. 

Drowned in cement. And all he was thinking about was me, keeping me safe. Then I saved him.

Glass bottle into the stomach. The raging emotions as the fight began then was swiftly ended. The lightheadedness of bloodloss.

Shot by Suzie. The cold, hard concrete slabs of the pavement beneath the water tower.

Deleted by Lisa. The buzzing of electricity frying his insides.

Pushed off the roof. That was the last thing he'd been expecting John to do, and there was quite a list.

Buried alive by Grey. The soil hitting his face and stinging his eyes, but it's better than looking at Grey or John. 

Warehouse explosion. The floor collapsed and killed him. Or was it me?

I wake up panting and covered in a sheen of sweat. Nothing could have prepared me for that, and I saw more deaths than last night. If I see much more than this, I think I'm going to go mad. 

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